Chat with us, powered by LiveChat An Internet site teaturing national and world news asks visitors to par ticipate in the site’s “instant daily poll’ of hot topics. The current polling question is: “Should the words ‘under G - Writeden

For each of the tollowing opinion polls,
(1) determine whether the poll results
offer strong support for the pollster’s conclusion, and, It they don’t, (2) specily
the source of the problem (sample too small, unrepresentative sample, or non
random sampling). Assume that the conducting of each survey is free of techni-
cal errors such as mistakes in data processing
or improper polling interviews
An Internet site teaturing national and world news asks visitors to par
ticipate in the site’s “instant daily poll’ of hot topics. The current polling
question is: “Should the words ‘under God’ be stricken trom the Pledge
of Allegiance if its recitation is required of public school children?”
Iwelve thousand people visit the site on the day that the poll is taken. Of
those, seven thousand answer no to the question. The site concludes that
58 percent of Americans oppose modifying the Pledge.
Anita conducts a survev to determine it Americans are willing to support
the arts by contributing money directly to local theater groups. One night
she and her assistants interview five hundred people who are attending
a performance of a musical at the city’s biggest theater. 1o help ensure
random selection,
purposely select every other patron they encoun
ter for interviewing. There is only one interview question: “Are you