Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Select a singular installation from Inhotim that you think would be the most interesting to experience in person. Remember that you must choose a work that qualifies as an installation, not - Writeden

1.) Select a singular installation from Inhotim that you think would be the most interesting to experience in person. Remember that you must choose a work that qualifies as an installation, not simply a sculpture. Make sure you choose an installation and not a garden, tree, or other aspect of the park.
2.) Provide a visual description of your chosen work, naming it, its artist, and where it is located at Inhotim (is it in a gallery? Outside? Shown in isolation? Etc.)
3.) Explain why you found this work appealing and what about it makes you think it would be worth experiencing in person. What do you think that experience would be like?
4.) Explain what you think the in-person experience of the overall park would be like, from your examinations of it virtually.
using “Desvio para o vermelho” (Red Shift), from 1967-1984 as the installation piece from inhotim