Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Describe how that object feels. What features does it have? The texture? Sturdiness? Width? Weight? Smell? Head down to your kitchen and find something to eat that has a bit of texture. Clo - Writeden

Choose one of the following prompts and incorporate all 5 senses in your response.
The response should be 5-7 sentences in length.
Close your eyes and pick something up. Describe how that object feels. What features does it have? The texture? Sturdiness? Width? Weight? Smell?
Head down to your kitchen and find something to eat that has a bit of texture. Close your eyes, and take a bite. Focus closely as you chew, as the food rolls around your mouth, over your tongue, and down your throat. Describe how it looks. How does it taste? How does it make you feel? How does it smell? What can you hear as you eat?
Similar to the task above which involves a trip out to a busy place, like a park, sit down and have a good sniff. Another good place to try is a coffee shop. Lots of smells of roasting coffee and baking cakes in there. Importantly, think about where those smells lead you in your mind. Do they trigger memories? Do associated words pop into your mind? From a character’s perspective, this is what their experience would be like.