Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Choose a toy (one you are familiar with may be easiest). Sites like toys R us, Amazon, Target, or Walmart tend to be easiest. Manufacturers suggested age range between 4-8 years old (on the - Writeden

How to complete:
Choose a toy (one you are familiar with may be easiest). Sites like toys R us, Amazon, Target, or Walmart tend to be easiest.
Manufacturers suggested age range between 4-8 years old (on the young side) up to any age on the high end (i.e. 4-8 and up are acceptable), (beginning age under 4 or over 8 does not qualify and will be penalized).
Address the following and write in complete sentences, fully develop your responses, and use proper grammar:
What is the toy (name) and how much does it cost? 5 points
What is the the specific manufacturers suggested age range and do you agree with it? Why or why not? (3-5 sentences minimum) 10 points
In what way does the toy influence gender typing (or lack thereof)? (3-5 sentences minimum) 10 points
In what way does socioeconomic status (SES) influence accessibility? (3-5 sentences minimum) 10 points
Provide one cited (Santrock, 2022, p.?) example how the toy enhances a specific developmental concept from each of the (3) domains/processes (concepts must correspond to the correct domain and come from the appropriate chapters 5-8, depending on age range of toy) 45 points
physical (5 sentences minimum)
cognitive (5 sentences minimum)
socioemotional (5 sentences minimum)
APA style in-text citations (exampled above #5) and end references must be included to avoid plagiarism penalty: textbook (exampled below) and the toy store Website (with full active direct URL) are required among any others used. I suggest using the Purdue OWLLinks to an external site. site (or see syllabus-external links) for help with APA format for your Website.
Santrock, J.W. (2022). Essentials of Life-Span Development, 7th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill