Novel : The Stranger by Albert Camus translated by Matthew ward.
Compose a multi-paragraph, thesis-driven essay. You will do th is by defining the key words in the question you chose to answer and establishing criteria by which you may judge the specific case set before you. These are your options. Choose one:
Define the conditions under which an action would be judged to be malicious, and the process you would follow to determine if Meursault’s crime is malicious.
Define the conditions under which an action would be judged to be premeditated, and the process you would follow to determine if Meursault’s crime is premeditated.
Define the conditions under which an action would be judged to be deliberate, and the process you would follow to determine if Meursault’s crime is deliberate.
Define the conditions under which a trial would be judged to be a fair trial, and the process you would follow to determine if Meursault’s trial is a fair trial.
Define the conditions under which the death penalty would be warranted, and the process you would follow to determine if Meursault’s crime warrants the death penalty.
Incorporate substantive quotations from at least three excellent reference sources suitable for college-level research. Reference sources may include dictionaries, encyclopedia, textbooks, and manuals, among other things. Quotations should be formatted. which means short quotations belong in quotation marks and long quotations should appear as block quotations.
You were required to use substantial quotations from at least three reference sources appropriate to college-level research. The novel itself is not a reference source.
please don’t forget to show the citation