Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The American educational system teaches us that success is based on grades. To some extent that is true. Grades are important, but what’s more important is what you learn and retain. The que - Writeden

Optional DQ – Faith & Literacy: What Language Are You Speaking
NOTE: Each week I will post “Optional DQ’s”. These are not replacements for the DQ1 or DQ2 questions you must answer each week. I post them to offer a fresh perspective on the learning objective for the week and to help you with some diverse posting options for class participation 🙂 As long as your responses are SUBTSTANTIVE, they will count toward your participation each week!
Hey Class,
The American educational system teaches us that success is based on grades. To some extent that is true. Grades are important, but what’s more important is what you learn and retain. The question you should ask yourself when you leave this class is not if you got an A, but what information did I come into this class with and what new information am I leaving with. If you have learned nothing and got an A… Did you really accomplish anything? If you can write a long list of everything you learned and accomplished and received a B or maybe a C. Did you succeed?
If our primary goal is results we will simply choose to work only with those who give us good ones. We must choose to see in people what they don’t see in themselves until they do.
We must stand with the least likely to succeed until success is succeeded by something more valuable: kinship. We must stand with the belligerent, the odd ball, and the badly behaved until that behavior is recognized for the language it is: the vocabulary of the deeply wounded and of those whose burdens are more than they can bear. This is the posture of Christ.
In life there may be things you can’t reach. Relationships may be broken. We can’t change our past or how we have treated ourselves or others. But we can stretch our arms across the aisle and forgive and heal.
What is your primary goal (results) or (growth)? Why?
NOTE! I am studying Cybersecurity.
Please respond in first-person point of view. PLEASE!!!