For this Lab, you’ll be analyzing the menu you created in Lesson 2 for total protein to see if you meet dietary recommendations, as well as evaluating the quality of your protein sources. You’ll also be answering questions about dietary protein recommendations and potential health effects of not meeting recommendations.
Response to each question must:
· contain well-developed sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar
· demonstrate your achievement of those objectives for the lesson in your response
· include data, facts, key terminology, specific examples, and direct quotations from the textbook, Lesson and other resources to support your main point.
· include appropriate citation and a resource list for all sources used.
Cite all sources of information, including your textbook, using last name and page numbers in parenthesis in the text; for example: (Author(s) last name, year, p. ###). Provide a resource list at the conclusion of the assignment formatted as in this example: Author(s)’ last name, first initial(s). (year). Title in italics. Location of publisher: Publisher or retrieval information.
Lesson 9 Lab
Protein Diet Analysis
1. What is the average percentage of your total kcalories that comes from protein? (See Macronutrient Ranges Bar Graph) (5 pts)
1. What percentage of total kcalories do recommendations state should come from protein? How did your intake compare to this recommended range? (5 pts)
1. How many grams of protein did you consume on average? (See Intake vs Goals Report) (5 pts)
1. On average, how what percentage of your personal DRI did you consume from protein? (See Intakes vs Goals Report) (5 pts)
1. Based upon your age and gender, what is your protein RDA? (See the RDA Table in the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) appendix in your textbook) (5 pts)
1. How did your personal DRI compare to the protein RDA? If your personal DRI is different, which recommendation do you believe is more appropriate for you? Why? (10 pts)
1. Define the term “protein quality”. What factors are considered in determining the quality of a protein? (15 pts)
1. List three high-quality proteins in your menu and explain why they’re high-quality choices. (15 pts)
1. How would the use of plant proteins in place of animal proteins affect the quality of your diet? Provide examples to defend your position. (15 pts)
1. List three health concerns surrounding a diet high in animal-based proteins and explain why this diet raises these concerns. (20 pts)