Respiratory Case
Use the following information to formulate your analysis
A 50-year-old white female presents to the emergency room with complaints of increased chest congestion with purulent sputum production for the last 3 days.
She reports increased dyspnea and using her albuterol inhaler which isn’t helping her symptoms.
PMH >> The patient reports a history of tobacco use for last 10 years and a history of COPD which was diagnosed last year.
The patient reports that her primary care provider ordered another medication for the COPD but she couldn’t afford it.
The patient denies fever. The patient’s vital signs: BP 148/90, pulse 108, respirations 22, O2 sat 92%, and temp 98.1F.
Chest x-ray reveals hyperinflation with flattened diaphragm but is without effusions or infiltrates.
Answer and Analysis these topics
1. The pulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
2. Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
3. How these processes interact to affect the patient.
Answer the questions using APA format – title page, introduction, body of the paper, conclusion, and a Reference page.
Include two scholarly references.
See the attached template for Walden MSN students. Submit your answers in 1-2 pages (not including the Reference page).