Week 5 Discussion: Environmental Issues in Public Health
Select ONE topic from below. Besides addressing the topic, try to include the following information (if applicable):
1. Why is this topic important to Public Health?
2. Why did you select this topic? What is its importance?
3. How can we get involved?
Essay topics (Pick 1) –
#1 – Identify three types of food contaminants. How has government regulation reduced the hazards of these contaminants? What measures can consumers take to further reduce the risk from each contaminant?
#2 – The 1994 Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act (DSHEA) forbids the FDA from requiring safety testing of herbs & food supplements. Discuss the pros & cons of this legislation.
#3 – How may overly strict government regulation of environmental hazards be self defeating? Discuss a specific example(s) of laws intended to benefit public health that may do more harm than good.