Chat with us, powered by LiveChat According to GCU, what are the characteristics required for a post to be considered substantial? - Writeden

I truly want each of you to get an “A” in this class. Below are the weekly requirements that are “the minimum expectations” of each student, and accomplishing each of these tasks will get you a “meets requirements” grade.
Each week you will participate in 2-3 class discussions or chat boards. The Grand Canyon University (GCU) requirements for being awarded “participation points” in these discussions include the following:
? 1) participate at least (as a bare minimum) 3 (three) different days each week;
? 2) make at least (as a bare minimum) 2 (two) substantive posts on the Main Topic Discussion on each of those 3 (three) days (for a total of six (6) substantive posts per week. I would also like to see at least one substantiative response for each of the CAT questions (labeled CAT 1 and CAT 2) found at the top of the Discussion Topic column;
? 3) “provide follow-up responses to classmates’ initial answers and responses that integrate course theories with a practical application of the subject, offering a personal observation or experience, or referencing real-world examples, current events, or presenting research on the topic”, and
? 4) not be absent more than 2 consecutive days in a row.
According to GCU, what are the characteristics required for a post to be considered substantial?