Chat with us, powered by LiveChat According to the Government of Canada’s (2018) Infographic on Autism, what is the incidence of Autism among children and youth in Canada? What is the reported incidence for males versus fema - Writeden

According to the Government of Canada’s (2018) Infographic on Autism, what is the incidence of Autism among children and youth in Canada? What is the reported incidence for males versus females?
The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (2021) outlines six characteristics common among many people with Autism / Autistic people. Summarize these characteristics below.
What are some medical and/or mental health conditions that typically accompany a diagnosis of Autism (known as co-occurring or concurrent conditions)?
In outlining some characteristics of Autism, what are some strengths (or ‘exceptional characteristics’) commonly exhibited by people with ASD?
What are some areas of potential weakness commonly exhibited by people with ASD? (Tip: The website lists 10+, in blue font. Identify the top five below.)
Identify 3+ examples of social issues exhibited by children with ASD.
Identify 3 examples of communication issues exhibited by children with ASD.
Identify 5+ examples of repetitive behaviors exhibited by children with ASD.
Identify 3 examples of motor issues exhibited by children with ASD.
Identify 5+ examples of sensory issues exhibited by children with ASD.
Refer to the websites referenced in the questions to find the following answers:
Read or skim the article by Zeldovich (2018) on the Spectrum News (2021) website titled “The evolution of ‘autism’ as a diagnosis, explained”. Share what you learned about when/why the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) adopted the idea of a continuous spectrum for autism.
According to Autism Canada (2020) the newest diagnostic category of “Autism Spectrum Disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) replaced which previous diagnoses? (Hint: You can find this information in the ‘History of Autism’ section of the website.)
Review the myths about Autism discussed on the Autism Awareness Australia (2021) and Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (2021) websites. Use this information to answer the question below:
What are 3+ myths or misconceptions you found most interesting or impactful?
Use any of the websites provided to answer the following question:
What is your biggest takeaway from the information you read about Autism?