Chat with us, powered by LiveChat As discussed in the textbook, the health care industry continues to face challenges and patients are becoming more aware of patient rights with access to health care provider informa - Writeden

As discussed in the textbook, the health care industry continues to face challenges and patients are becoming more aware of patient rights with access to health care provider information.

  • Specify what you believe to be the greatest challenge that the health care industry faces today. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Then, go to Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022
    from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Has the HHS strategically planned to address the challenge that you identified


Strategic Plan FY 2022 – 2026

Every four years, HHS updates its Strategic Plan, which describes its work to address complex, multifaceted, and evolving health and human services issues. An agency strategic plan is one of three main elements required by the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993 (P.L. 103-62) and the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-352). An agency strategic plan defines its mission, goals, and the means by which it will measure its progress in addressing specific national problems over a four-year period.

For the period FY 2022 – 2026, HHS is publishing its Strategic Plan as a Web document, which will be updated periodically to reflect the Department’s strategies, actions, and progress toward its goals. The Web version of the Strategic Plan, rather than focusing on a static set of performance measures, provides priorities, accomplishments, and next steps that are tracked and updated frequently,

An o!icial website of the United States government Here’s how you know

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reinforcing the Strategic Plan’s function as a living, vital document that serves a genuine management purpose.

Message from the Secretary </about/strategic-


Introduction </about/strategic-plan/2022-


Overview </about/strategic-plan/2022-


Strategic Goal 1: Protect and Strengthen Equitable Access to High Quality and A!ordable Healthcare </about/strategic-plan/2022-2026/goal-


Strategic Goal 2: Safeguard and Improve National and Global Health Conditions and Outcomes </about/strategic-plan/2022-2026/goal-


Strategic Goal 3: Strengthen Social Well-Being, Equity, and Economic Resilience </about/strategic-


Strategic Goal 4: Restore Trust and Accelerate Advancements in Science and Research for All </about/strategic-plan/2022-2026/goal-4/index.html>

Strategic Goal 5: Advance Strategic Management to Build Trust, Transparency, and Accountability </about/strategic-plan/2022-2026/goal-5/index.html>

Appendix Plan: Updates </about/strategic-plan/2022-


Content created by Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Content last reviewed March 28, 2022

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