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HSE 490: Week 5 Case Study

In a 300-word case study, assess critical infrastructure information (CII) discussed in our text. Explore the Freedom of Information Act from a national security perspective and detail its exemptions. Explain how sensitive information is protected from a homeland security perspective.

Use specific examples from our textbook. Your case study should be supported with properly APA formatted references.

Your essay should be 300 words in length. At least 1 reference should be used to support your main points (the textbook). Quoted material should be avoided. Instead, please provide paraphrased research to support your main points that are accompanied with in-text references. Be sure to follow APA formatting guidelines. Your paper should contain section headings. Ensure that you provide an overview of each of the essay questions, which should be organized by associated bullet points.

Reading preparation: Chapter 6 Radvanovsky, R. S. & McDougall, A. (2018). Critical infrastructure: Homeland security and emergency preparedness (4th ed.). CRC Press.

Week 5 Case Study Rubric


30 points

Word Count

The case study was at least 300 words.


Fully assessed critical infrastructure information (CII) discussed in our text. Fully explored the Freedom of Information Act from a national security perspective and detailed its exemptions. Fully explained how sensitive information is protected from a homeland security perspective.

20 points

APA Style

Uses APA formatting accurately and consistently

Mechanics, Grammar, and Proofing

Virtually free of mechanical, grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors