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Assessing Culturally Competent Care

Early childhood educators and helping professionals have a unique opportunity to advance equity in the field. You must dig deeply to assess, plan, and reflect on fundamental principles of fairness and justice that support the goals of anti-bias education. For this activity, you will take the perspective of evaluator, providing feedback and guidance to professionals providing culturally competent care.





Review the following video, taking notes using the Recommendations for Equity Assessment Checklist Download Recommendations for Equity Assessment Checklisttemplate. Look for strengths and weaknesses in the interactions between the family and professionals:

Honoring Family Culture in Early Intervention – Part 1: Isai and Eliel’s StoryLinks to an external site.


Report Requirements

Referring to the Recommendations for Equity Assessment Checklist Download Recommendations for Equity Assessment Checklist, write an assessment report as a paper or PowerPoint. Review the templates provided.In your Assessing Culturally Competent Care report,

  • Describe 3–4 diverse contextual factors that are unique to the child and their family. Think about factors such as language, socioeconomic, and immigration status that you have explored throughout this class.
  • Describe two recommendations for equity you saw in action and describe why these early childhood professionals were providing culturally competent care. Be sure to use at least one resource or the text to support your thinking.
  • Identify one recommendation that you did not see in the video that this team could work on and explain your reasoning. Be sure to use at least one resource or the text to support your thinking.
  • Create one detailed activity that these caregivers could do to ensure that they are meeting the recommendation.

Choose ONE of the following options,

The Assessing Culturally Competent Care paper or presentation





Observation Notes

Uphold the unique value and dignity of each child and family. 

Ensure that all children see themselves and their daily experiences, as well as the daily lives of others within and beyond their community, positively reflected in the design and implementation of pedagogy, curriculum, learning environment, interactions, and materials. Celebrate diversity by acknowledging similarities and differences and provide perspectives that recognize beauty and value across differences.  

Recognize each child’s unique strengths and support the full inclusion of all children—  given differences in culture, family structure, language, racial identity, gender, abilities and disabilities, religious beliefs, or economic class. 

Help children get to know, recognize, and support one another as valued members of the community. Take care that no one feels bullied, invisible, or unnoticed.  


Develop trusting relationships with children and nurture relationships among them while building on their knowledge and skills. 

Embrace children’s cultural experiences and the languages and customs that shape their learning. Treat each child with respect. Eliminate language or behavior that is stereotypical, demeaning, exclusionary, or judgmental.  

Consider the developmental, cultural, and linguistic appropriateness of the learning environment and your teaching practices for each child. 

Offer meaningful, relevant, and appropriately challenging activities across all interests and abilities. Children of all genders, with and without disabilities, should see themselves and their families, languages, and cultures regularly and meaningfully reflected in the environment and learning materials. Counter common stereotypes and misinformation. Remember that the learning environment and its materials reflect what you do and do not value by what is present and what is omitted.  

Involve children, families, and the community in the design and implementation of learning activities. 

Doing this builds on the funds of knowledge that children and families bring as members of their cultures and communities while also sparking children’s interest and engagement. Recognizing the community as a context for learning can model citizen engagement.  

Actively promote children’s agency. 

Provide each child with opportunities for rich, engaging play and opportunities to make choices in planning and carrying out activities. Use open-ended activities that encourage children to work together and solve problems to support learning across all areas of development and curriculum.  

Scaffold children’s learning to achieve meaningful goals. 

Set challenging but achievable goals for each child. Build on children’s strengths and interests to affirm their identities and help them gain new skills, understanding, and vocabulary. Provide supports as needed while you communicate—both verbally and nonverbally—your authentic confidence in each child’s ability to achieve these goals.  

Design and implement learning activities using language(s) that the children understand. 

Support the development of children’s first languages while simultaneously promoting proficiency in English. Similarly, recognize and support dialectal differences as children gain proficiency in the Standard Academic English they are expected to use in school. 

Recognize and be prepared to provide different levels of support to different children depending on what they need. 

For example, some children may need more attention at certain times or more support for learning particular concepts or skills. Differentiating support in a strengths-based way is the most equitable approach because it helps to meet each child’s needs.  

Use multi-tiered systems of support. 

Collaborate with early childhood special educators and other allied education and health professionals as needed. Facilitate each professional establishing a relationship with each child to foster success and maximize potential. 

Embrace the primary role of families in children’s development and learning. 

Recognize and acknowledge family members based on how families define their members and their roles. Seek  to learn about and honor each family’s child-rearing values, languages (including dialects), and culture. Gather information about the hopes and expectations families have for their children’s behavior, learning, and development so that you can support their goals.  

Uphold every family’s right to make decisions for and with their children. 

If a family’s desire appears to conflict with your professional knowledge or presents an ethical dilemma, work with the family to learn more, identify common goals, and strive to establish mutually acceptable strategies.  

Be curious, making time to learn about the families with whom you work. 

This includes learning about their languages, customs, activities, values, and beliefs so you can provide a culturally and linguistically responsive and sustaining learning environment. It requires intentionally reaching out to families who, for a range of reasons, may not initiate or respond to traditional approaches (e.g., paper and pencil/electronic surveys, invitations to open houses, parent–teacher conferences) to interact with educators.  

Maintain consistently high expectations for family involvement, being open to multiple and varied forms of engagement and providing intentional and responsive support. 

Ask families how they would like to be involved and what supports may be helpful. Families may face challenges (e.g., fear due to immigration status, less flexibility during the workday, child care or transportation issues) that may require a variety of approaches to building engagement. Recognize that it is your responsibility as an educator to connect with families successfully so that you can provide the most culturally and linguistically sustaining learning environment for each child.  

Communicate the value of multilingualism to all families. 

All children benefit from the social and cognitive advantages of multilingualism and multiliteracy. Make sure families of emergent bilinguals understand the academic benefits and the significance of supporting their child’s home language as English is introduced through the early childhood program, to ensure their children develop into fully bilingual and biliterate adults.  




Week 4: Assessing Culturally Competent Care

Your Name

The University of Arizona Global Campus

ECD 336: Examining Multicultural and Anti-Bias Curriculum

Instructor's Name

Due Date

Assessing Culturally Competent Care

Delete all “hint boxes” before submitting your assignment.

To access links in Word, right-click the link and select “Open Hyperlink.”

Family Context

Describe 3-4 diverse contextual factors that are unique to the child and their family. Think about factors such as language, socioeconomic, and immigration status that we have explored throughout this class.


Describe TWO recommendations for equity you saw in action and describe why these early childhood professionals were providing culturally competent care. Be sure to use at least one resource or the text to support your thinking.

Right-click Integrating Research for guidance

on incorporating research into your writing.

Right-click APA: Citing Within Your Paper

to learn how to cite your sources in-text.

Opportunity for Growth

Identify one recommendation that you did not see in the video that this team could work on and explain your reasoning. Be sure to use at least one resource or the text to support your thinking.


Create one detailed activity that these caregivers could do to ensure that they are meeting the recommendation.

This report should be 2-3 pages minimum.


Include at least 2 credible resources in your assignment. Use APA Style to format your sources on the References page. You must include in-text citations throughout your paper to show your reader what information you used from outside sources.

APA academic journal reference entry

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, volume #(issue #), page range.

APA webpage (with a person as author) reference entry

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Webpage title. Website Title. http://(URL)

APA webpage (with corporate/government author) reference entry

Title of Organization. (Year, Month Day). Webpage title. Website Title. http://(URL)

APA Textbook reference entry

Author, A. A. (Year Published). Title of book: Subtitle of book (edition, if other than the first). Publisher Name. (ebook’s DOI, or https://(URL) if not contained within a database and DOI is unavailable)

Right-click APA: Formatting Your References List for further help.

*In the final version of your assignment, be sure to remove all the hints (blue boxes) and directions within the template.



Week 4: Assessing Culturally Competent Care Report

Student’s Name


ECD336: Examining Multicultural and Anti-Bias Education

Instructor’s name

Date Submitted

The University of Arizona Global Campus Proprietary & Confidential – For Internal Use Only

The title slide does not need notes.


Family Context


Describe 3-4 diverse contextual factors that are unique to the child and their family. Think about factors such as language, socioeconomic, and immigration status that we have explored throughout this class.

From Title of Image [Description], by A.A. Photographer, Year, Site Name (URL). Copyright by Name of Copyright Holder.

The University of Arizona Global Campus Proprietary & Confidential – For Internal Use Only

For each slide, compose a short paragraph in the notes section that introduces each slide and expands on its content; this would be your talking points for each slide during a presentation.


Family Context


Describe 3-4 diverse contextual factors that are unique to the child and their family. Think about factors such as language, socioeconomic, and immigration status that we have explored throughout this class.

From Title of Image [Description], by A.A. Photographer, Year, Site Name (URL). Copyright by Name of Copyright Holder.

The University of Arizona Global Campus Proprietary & Confidential – For Internal Use Only

For each slide, compose a short paragraph in the notes section that introduces each slide and expands on its content; this would be your talking points for each slide during a presentation.




Describe TWO recommendations for equity you saw in action and describe how these early childhood professionals provided culturally competent care.

Be sure to use at least one resource or the text to support your thinking.

From Title of Image [Description], by A.A. Photographer, Year, Site Name (URL). Copyright by Name of Copyright Holder.

Right-click Integrating Research for guidance

on incorporating research into your writing.

Right-click APA: Citing Within Your Paper to learn

how to cite your sources in-text.





The University of Arizona Global Campus Proprietary & Confidential – For Internal Use Only

For each slide, compose a short paragraph in the notes section that introduces each slide and expands on its content; this would be your talking points for each slide during a presentation.




Describe TWO recommendations for equity you saw in action and describe how these early childhood professionals provided culturally competent care.

Be sure to use at least one resource or the text to support your thinking.

From Title of Image [Description], by A.A. Photographer, Year, Site Name (URL). Copyright by Name of Copyright Holder.

The University of Arizona Global Campus Proprietary & Confidential – For Internal Use Only

For each slide, compose a short paragraph in the notes section that introduces each slide and expands on its content; this would be your talking points for each slide during a presentation.


Opportunity for Growth


Identify ONE recommendation that you did not see in the video or thight might be something the team could work on.

Be sure to use at least one resource or the text to support your thinking.

From Title of Image [Description], by A.A. Photographer, Year, Site Name (URL). Copyright by Name of Copyright Holder.

Use evidence from the readings to support the ideas in your paragraphs.

Right-click Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing for help.





The University of Arizona Global Campus Proprietary & Confidential – For Internal Use Only

For each slide, compose a short paragraph in the notes section that introduces each slide and expands on its content; this would be your talking points for each slide during a presentation.


Opportunity for Growth


Create and provide one detailed activity based on your recommendation that these caregivers could do to ensure be even more successful in providing equitable care.

From Title of Image [Description], by A.A. Photographer, Year, Site Name (URL). Copyright by Name of Copyright Holder.

The University of Arizona Global Campus Proprietary & Confidential – For Internal Use Only

For each slide, compose a short paragraph in the notes section that introduces each slide and expands on its content; this would be your talking points for each slide during a presentation.




You must include a reference list with two or more credible sources formatted according to APA Style.

View the APA: Formatting Your References List resource for guidance.

The type font can be small but must be legible.

Journal article:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Title of the article: Only the first word, proper nouns, acronyms, and words following a colon or dash are capitalized. Title of the Journal, volume number(issue number), XX–XX. or URL (if applicable)


Author, C.C. (Year Published). Title of the book: Only the first word, proper nouns, acronyms, and words following a colon or dash are capitalized (Edition, if other than the first). Name of Publisher. or URL (if applicable)

Webpage article:

Author, A. A. or Group Author. (Year, Month Day or n.d.). Title of the article: Only the first word, proper nouns, acronyms, and words following a colon or dash are capitalized. Name of Website (if different than Group Author), URL

The University of Arizona Global Campus Proprietary & Confidential – For Internal Use Only

The References slide does not need notes. Add additional reference slides as needed.


