Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Berlin, a city in Europe happens to be one of the most sustainable cities in the world mainly because it has been able to cut down its CO2 emission by one-third. The city has more parks whic - Writeden

some recommendations about the report below is needed. I am adding an attachment below for an idea about how the recommendations should be written. thanks.
This one is for the sample how the recommendations should be written:
“””””Key findings
Strategies adopted
Berlin, a city in Europe happens to be one of the most sustainable cities in the world mainly because it has been able to cut down its CO2 emission by one-third. The city has more parks which means more greenery and more O2 emission. To be precise, the city has approximately 25,000 green spaces (Green urbanism: 10 benefits you should know). Apart from that, the citizens prefer using public transport instead of private vehicles as private transport not only increases the emission of CO2 but also other poisonous gases.
To ensure the commitment of all people, the city even incentivizes its people 0.25 Euros for every recycled plastic bottle. This makes sure that everyone instead of throwing the bottles away, recycles them and saves as many resources as possible.
To make the city even more sustainable in the coming time, the citizens currently filter grey water on the top of their apartments to develop rooftop gardens. If everything goes as planned, by the end of 2050, every apartment will have its own fish farm (Green urbanism: 10 benefits you should know).
Learnings from Berlin
Strategies happen to be something very subjective. Be those business strategies or environmentally sustainable strategies. It is not possible for every city out there to replicate the approaches adopted by Berlin because the socio-economic factors of every city would not support that. For example, Berlin’s government has the potential to incentivize every citizen for recycling every plastic bottle, but the Indian city Kolkata’s government cannot do that due to the lack of monetary resources. Whatsoever, what the cities can certainly learn is planting as many trees as possible. Developing parks all around cities would require huge spaces available which might not be possible for all, but the government could obviously encourage the citizens to plant more trees which will increase oxygen emission (How green is Berlin? circular economy solutions to make Berlin sustainable). Every city might not be capable of paying people to do something, but they can reduce their public transportation fares to encourage people for avoiding private vehicles all the time. The key learning to take from Berlin is that the government alone cannot revive a city’s nature, the citizens must be effectively motivated to achieve desired results.
Anticipated Benefits
Real estate has always been a booming sector in the world where people’s preferences keep changing or evolving to be precise, at a rapid rate. Previously, houses that were among the green came at a lower price but nowadays, people actually prefer buying properties near greenery (King). Thus, it is to say that one of the major benefits of afforestation is an improved real estate market. This can significantly promote a city’s economy and lead to many other developments. The cities by learning from Berlin could achieve this outcome. Moreover, increased plantation also improves the health condition of people as the rate of pollution goes down and people get to breathe the fresh air.
When people travel on public transport on a daily basis, they meet a lot of new people and develop multiple acquaintances. This is something that could enhance the social cooperativeness among the people of a city. Therefore, the government will not only be reducing pollution but also will promote social relationships which could potentially reduce crime rates (King).
Possible drawbacks
Encouraging people to plant more trees might cover most of the free spaces of a city which could delay the development of buildings. Just like cutting down trees is not healthy for the environment, planting more than enough trees is not beneficial for a city’s financial aspects. Lack of developments or even delayed developments could drive citizens away from their home regions which would not be fruitful at all. The same applies to motivating people to use public transport more often. If they stop buying their own cars, the automobile companies will start incurring losses which will again be harmful to the financial condition of the particular city (How green is Berlin? circular economy solutions to make Berlin sustainable).
To conclude, as it is discussed above environmental sustainability is essential for Berlin, as well as, the other cities in the world. However, there is something that the cities or the governments to be precise needs to understand before adopting any strategies. Every city is unique in its own way, just because some city is planting 100 trees every month does not mean others have to blindly follow that. Everyone must act according to their own resources and capabilities. The key thing is to ensure achieve results; the process does not matter much. The only thing to remember apart from saving the nature is that the corporate world must not have to face any consequences.
In the above findings, it has been mentioned that defying from using private transport could be potentially harmful for a region’s automobile industry. Under such circumstances, what could be done is re-shape the entire city’s build-up plan. Every necessary service should be kept at an optimal distance so that even if the people choose to travel by their own car, the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission will be the least.
Another recommendation I would like to provide is encouraging to walk. The city planners need to develop more features like pedestrian bridges so the people choose walking over using a vehicle every time. This would improve people’s health condition as walking is a great exercise for physical fitness.
Reducing the consumption might be harmful for the corporate world which could be revived by changing people’s preferences. The city must promote facilities like electric car charging points. This would encourage the citizens to buy cars but the ones that run on electricity. This will resolve the issue of gas emission, as well as, keep the car sales steady.
Statistics have concluded that the world’s 30% greenhouse gas emission comes from large apartments and buildings. Thus, another considerable way of reducing CO2 emission would be building green buildings which would come with solar heating and cooling panels. This will not only ensure environmental sustainability, but also will lower people’s living costs.””””””
This one is the actual report which needs recommendations:
Dallas has implemented several measures to promote sustainability and address environmental
challenges. One such measure is reducing greenhouse gas emissions. According to the City of
Dallas’s website, the city has retrofitted city buildings with energy-efficient technologies,
promoted public transportation, and expanded the use of renewable energy sources. The city
has set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 34% by 2025 compared to a 2012
baseline (City of Dallas, 2020). In addition, Dallas has adopted the 2018 International Energy
Conservation Code, which sets higher standards for energy efficiency in new buildings. (City of
Dallas, n.d.). These measures demonstrate Dallas’s commitment to reducing its carbon
Dallas has also made progress in increasing the use of renewable energy sources. The city has
invested in several renewable energy projects, including a wind energy project in West Texas
and a solar power plant in South Dallas (City of Dallas, n.d.). The city has launched a Green
Source Advantage program, which allows large energy customers to purchase renewable
energy from the city’s wind and solar projects (City of Dallas, n.d.). Furthermore, Dallas has
committed to sourcing 100% of its municipal electricity from renewable sources by 2030 (City
of Dallas, 2020). These measures highlight Dallas’s effort to reduce dependence on fossil fuels
and increase the use of renewable energy.
Dallas has also taken several steps to prepare for the impacts of climate change. The city has
developed a Climate Adaptation Plan that outlines strategies to address the impacts of climate
change, such as increased flooding and extreme heat (City of Dallas, 2020). Dallas has
implemented several projects to improve water management, such as the construction of rain
gardens and bioswales to capture stormwater runoff and reduce flooding (City of Dallas, n.d.).
These projects demonstrate Dallas’s commitment to increasing resilience to extreme weather
events and improving water management.
In conclusion, the City of Dallas has demonstrated a strong commitment to promoting
sustainability and addressing environmental challenges. Through its measures to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, increase the use of renewable energy sources, prepare for the
impacts of climate change, and reduce waste, Dallas is working towards becoming a more
environmentally sustainable city while promoting the well-being of its residents and enhancing
the local economy. Even slight changes in temperature can have a damaging effect on the
crops. That is why farmers often fear weather changes. This is where smart irrigation systems
play their role and allow farmers to live in peace with nature, monitor the changes constantly
and adapting to them. Instead of manually reading the results and being present on the site all
the time, farmers can relax at home, and send commands through the app on their phone,
tablet, or laptop with the help of the irrigation sensors. The best feature of all irrigation sensors
is that farmers can add them to their existing irrigation system. They are easy to install, and
irrigation sensors can last for years and years by regular maintenance. Apart from this, they also
help reduce water and save resources while increasing the crops’ quality. There are various
kinds of sensors which help in the smooth functioning of the smart irrigation system. These are
namely, soil moisture sensors, capacitance
sensors, flow sensors, rain sensors, wind sensors and freeze sensors. Soil moisture sensors are
used to measure the water content in the soil and to estimate the amount of stored water in
the soil horizon. Capacitive sensing is a widely used technology in fluid level sensing. A flow
sensor measures the flow of a fluid such as a gas or liquid. The Rain sensor is used to detect
rainfall. In the same way, the wind sensor is used to detect local wind speed and direction in
three cylinder spots. Freeze sensors interrupt an irrigation cycle when air temperatures fall
below 32 F. Some other countries using the smart irrigation systems are U.K., China, Sweden,
Mexico, Canada and Thailand.
The City of Dallas is reconditioning its Local Solid Waste Management Plan (LSWMP) to support
the City’s goals in context to the environment and sustainability. The LSWMP was initiated by
the Dallas City Council in February 2013 to identify the policies, programs and infrastructure
that will be required to manage solid waste and recyclable materials generated in the City over
the next 50 years. Many changes have occurred since the plan was adopted and the LSWMP
update will again assess the City’s needs and provide short-term and long-term strategies to
meet the City’s goals. The first phase of the project laid focus on data collection and analysis
which also included a thorough review of the City’s existing programs and operations as well as
waste generation projections. The City will also consider solid waste trends, policies and
regulations that could influence operations in the coming time and will draw a comparison to
other cities across Texas to look for the best practices and opportunities for improvement. Also,
public and stakeholder participation is an integral part of the LSWMP Update. Feedback from
residents and other stakeholders such as businesses and community organizations will be used
as constructive
feedback and would impact decisions about the City’s solid waste and recycling programs as
well as future opportunities to reduce waste destined for the landfill. The next phase of the
project will focus on establishment of goals and aims for the LSWMP Update. This composes of
identifying other suitable strategies, programs and operational changes to improve current
services or implement new actions. Plans and options will be marked upon based on various
factors, including environmental, money related and policy impacts as well as input from the
public and other contributors. A five-year execution and funding strategy will be made once the
city finds out which strategies will work best to achieve goals and objectives outlined in the
LSWMP. It is important to note that the LSWMP Update will support solid-waste related goals
which are seen as a part of Dallas’ Comprehensive Environmental & Climate Action Plan
(CECAP). Solid Waste is one of eight sectors included in the CECAP which outlines activities that
the city will undertake to improve quality of life, lower down greenhouse gas emissions, get
ready for the effects of climate change and create a healthier and prosperity rich community.
Even slight changes in temperature can have a damaging effect on the crops. That is why farmers often fear weather changes. This is where smart irrigation systems play their role and allow farmers to live in peace with nature, monitor the changes constantly and adapting to them. Instead of manually reading the results and being present on the site all the time, farmers can relax at home, and send commands through the app on their phone, tablet, or laptop with the help of the irrigation sensors. The best feature of all irrigation sensors is that farmers can add them to their existing irrigation system. They are easy to install, and irrigation sensors can last for years and years by regular maintenance. Apart from this, they also help reduce water and save resources while increasing the crops’ quality. There are various kinds of sensors which help in the smooth functioning of the smart irrigation system. These are namely, soil moisture sensors, capacitance sensors, flow sensors, rain sensors, wind sensors and freeze sensors. Soil moisture sensors are used to measure the water content in the soil and to estimate the amount of stored water in the soil horizon. Capacitive sensing is a widely used technology in fluid level sensing. A flow sensor measures the flow of a fluid such as a gas or liquid. The Rain sensor is used to detect rainfall. In the same way, the wind sensor is used to detect local wind speed and direction in three cylinder spots. Freeze sensors interrupt an irrigation cycle when air temperatures fall below 32 F. Some other countries using the smart irrigation systems are U.K., China, Sweden, Mexico, Canada and Thailand.
The City of Dallas is reconditioning its Local Solid Waste Management Plan (LSWMP) to support the City’s goals in context to the environment and sustainability. The LSWMP was initiated by the Dallas City Council in February 2013 to identify the policies, programs and infrastructure that will be required to manage solid waste and recyclable materials generated in the City over the next 50 years. Many changes have occurred since the plan was adopted and the LSWMP update will again assess the City’s needs and provide short-term and long-term strategies to meet the City’s goals. The first phase of the project laid focus on data collection and analysis which also included a thorough review of the City’s existing programs and operations as well as waste generation projections. The City will also consider solid waste trends, policies and regulations that could influence operations in the coming time and will draw a comparison to other cities across Texas to look for the best practices and opportunities for improvement. Also, public and stakeholder participation is an integral part of the LSWMP Update. Feedback from residents and other stakeholders such as businesses and community organizations will be used as constructive feedback and would impact decisions about the City’s solid waste and recycling programs as well as future opportunities to reduce waste destined for the landfill. The next phase of the project will focus on establishment of goals and aims for the LSWMP Update. This composes of identifying other suitable strategies, programs and operational changes to improve current services or implement new actions. Plans and options will be marked upon based on various factors, including environmental, money related and policy impacts as well as input from the public and other contributors. A five-year execution and funding strategy will be made once the city finds out which strategies will work best to achieve goals and objectives outlined in the LSWMP. It is important to note that the LSWMP Update will support solid-waste related goals which are seen as a part of Dallas’ Comprehensive Environmental & Climate Action Plan (CECAP). Solid Waste is one of eight sectors included in the CECAP which outlines activities that the city will undertake to improve quality of life, lower down greenhouse gas emissions, get ready for the effects of climate change and create a healthier and prosperity rich community.