Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Brainstorm ideas of topics you know something about and that are important to you. For instance, if you have a special pet that makes life better for you, you could tell your audience about - Writeden

Hi Can you help me with my Speech Assignment?
I will record it I just need it written. Thank you 🙂
Use the following steps to prepare your speech:
Select a goal for your speech.
Brainstorm ideas of topics you know something about and that are important to you. For instance, if you have a special pet that makes life better for you, you could tell your audience about the things your pet does. If a teacher in high school made an impression on you, you might want to talk about one or two specific things that teacher did. If you had a particularly fun job once, you could talk about some of the things that made it fun. Brainstorming should take about one hour.
Determine what kind of audience you’ll speak to, how large it is, and what the occasion is. For example, if you’ve chosen to talk about your experiences with your pet, your audience could be members of a local Humane Society gathered to discuss increasing adoptions of homeless pets. If you’ve chosen to talk about your experiences in science class, you could prepare for a speech before a group of high school students at a science fair, or for a group of teachers at an educational seminar. If you’re going to talk about a job you had once, your audience could be made up of people who still work for the company.
Develop a speech goal statement tailored to your audience. This is a single sentence saying what you want your audience to know, believe, or do. An example of a speech goal statement on an informative speech about animals could be, “I want people to know how much fun I’m having with my dog, Charlie.” For a goal related to a speech about your experience in history class, you might state, “I want people to know how my teacher inspired me,” or “I want teachers to know how to make the subject of history more interesting.”
Gather, evaluate, and prioritize information to use in your speech.
Even though you already know something about the subject you’ve chosen for your speech, you’ll need to compile additional information. Read other materials and draw on others’ expertise.
Once you’ve compiled enough information and you feel completely comfortable with the material or subject, determine which data seem legitimate, valid, or otherwise useful for your purpose.
Decide which facts you absolutely want to impart to your audience. Set aside superfluous information. However, don’t forget it existsyou may find it valuable if anyone in your audience asks questions.
Organize your ideas by creating a well-structured outline.
Identify three to five main ideas you want your audience to remember.
Combine your speech goal statement with these ideas, and create a thesis statement. Writing your goal statement and thesis should take about one hour.
Develop your main points. Take about two hours to develop them fully.
Develop and outline the body of the speech. Choose an organizational style: chronologically forward (or backward) or some other fashion.
Create an introduction that grabs the attention of the audience, establishes for the listener some relevance, and states your thesis.
Create a conclusion that summarizes your goal and main points and gives the audience a sense of closure.
Compile a list of sources (similar to a bibliography).
Choose and prepare presentation aids.
Use aids that help to clarify, emphasize, or dramatize what you’re going to say.
Ensure that your aids use more than just words.
Ensure that any visual aids are large enough to be seen by the audience. This size depends on how large your audience will be.
Ensure that any audio aids are easily heard. Audio/video aids shouldn’t be longer than 15 seconds for 4-minute speeches or 30 seconds for 5-minute speeches.
Figure out how to incorporate the aids. Where will you introduce a slide? When will you change the slide? Will you keep the slide on the screen throughout the speech, or will you shut it off once you’ve spoken about the subject to which it applies? Take one or two hours to practice with your visual aids.
Practice your speech in front of friends or relatives.
Practice until you feel your wording is accurate, clear, vivid, and appropriate. You’ll make adjustments almost every time you rehearse your speech.
Practice until you believe your delivery is intelligible, conversational, and expressive.
Practice integrating your presentation aids until you can do so confidently and smoothly.
Continue practicing until you can deliver your speech within the time limit and without reading it.
Record the practice speech and play it back to yourself. You should practice for about two hours before recording. Ask yourself the following questions:
Are you in focus?
Can you hear yourself clearly?
Are you making eye contact?
Recording Your Speech
Once you’ve reached the point that you’re satisfied with your delivery, record the speech.
Begin the recording by reading the following sentence. (Fill in the blank as you read.) The audience I’m addressing for this speech is _______.
Pause for a few seconds (count to five in your head), and then begin your speech.
Watch the recorded speech. Ensure that it fulfills the requirements for the assignment. Reviewing the video and fixing any errors should take an hour.
Uploading Speech Assignments
To submit your speech for grading, you must record yourself using a digital camera, mobile phone, or other recording device. Use the following procedures to record your videos:
Ask a friend or relative to do the recording for you. Before you record the first speech, practice making a few sample videos. Make sure you and your presentation aids are in frame for the entire speech in order to avoid zooming in.
When you feel confident about your speech, make the recording. If the assignment asks you to give your speech in front of a group of people, have your partner include a quick shot of the audience.
Watch your video before you submit to ensure that your lighting, sound, and camera work won’t interfere with the elements of delivery on which you’re being graded.
Once you have your speech file, rename the file. To do this, right-click on the file and select Rename. The new name should consist of your student number, the exam number for this speech, and your name, with underscores between each naming criterion. At the end of your new file name, be sure to include the file extension, just as it was on the original. For example: 01234567_98765400_Doe_Jane.wav or 01234567_98765400 _Doe_Jane.wmv
Submit your speeches via your student portal using the digital drobox.
Evaluation Criteria
To grade the speech, your instructor will answer the following questions:
How well did the speaker identify with the audience?
Did the speaker’s introduction get the audience’s attention?
Was the information in the speech well organized?
Did the speaker exhibit enthusiasm in the delivery?
Did the speaker’s conclusion summarize the points in an interesting or creative way?
Was the speech four to five minutes long?
Your instructor will use the following rubric to grade your project.
Grading Criteria A100-90 B 89-80 C 79-70 F 69-0
Presentation – 55 Points
NarrativeThe speaker chose an appropriate topic that relates to the general or specific purpose of the speech. The speech was organized according to a particular organizational style: chronological, topical, or spatial. The story had a clear beginning, middle, and end that related to the topic and followed the organizational pattern. The speech used clear, vivid, and appropriate language to convey the story. The presentation was effective in conveying the purpose and message of the speech. 20-19 19-17 16-14 14-0
Speaking SkillsThe speaker exhibited enthusiasm in the delivery. The speaker maintained appropriate tone, pitch, volume, and rate. The speaker articulated and pronounced words clearly and correctly. The speaker used a script or notes minimally and maintained an appropriate level of eye contact. He or she identified the audience and formed a bond between him- or herself and the audience. 15-14 13-12 12-11 11-0
Presentation AidThe presentation aid clarified, emphasized, or dramatized what was said, used more than just words, and was large enough to see. If audio aids were used, they were easy to hear. Audio aids were no longer than 15 seconds for a 4-minute speech or 30 seconds for a 5-minute speech. All aids were incorporated and introduced smoothly. 10-9 9-8 8-7 7-0
AppearanceThe speaker’s general appearance was appropriate. His or her facial expressions, gestures, and body language didn’t weaken or take attention away from the point of the speech. 10-9 9-8 8-7 7-0
Content35 points
IntroductionThe introduction got the audience’s attention in a creative way. It established a connection between the speaker and the topic. The student included a clear goal statement. 10-9 9-8 8-7 7-0
BodyThe story made a point and had at least two to four main ideas that were developed and organized well. There were clear transitions from one idea to the next. Supporting details were incorporated and used to strengthen the main point of the speech. If outside sources were used, they were cited properly. 15-13 13-12 12-11 10-0
ConclusionThe speaker’s conclusion summarized the points in an interesting or creative way. It wrapped up the speech, making it clear to the audience the speech was at its end. 10-9 9-8 8-7 7-0
Format10 points
The student included the required opening line: The audience I am addressing for this speech is _________. The student followed that line with a 5-second pause. 10-8 8-7 7-6 6-0
The speech was 4-5 minutes long. One point will be deducted for every 10 seconds over 5 minutes and under 4 minutes.