Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Case staffing is a routine part of counseling in an agency. This assignment will help you with the collaboration skills used when staffing clients to get other viewpoints on the best route fo - Writeden

Case staffing is a routine part of counseling in an agency. This assignment will help you with the collaboration skills used when staffing clients to get other viewpoints on the best route for treatment.

Imagine you are a team of counselors who work for a community counseling agency. As part of your weekly case formulation team meetings, you plan staffing for your clients and determine the best course of action.

Review the Multicultural Case Studies assigned to your group in Week 4 as if you were a team staffing your clients.

Research theories and concepts related to the case and question before discussing it with your group.

Discuss the case as if you were in a weekly case formulation team meeting about this client. 

Collaborate with your team to determine the group’s response to your case study.

Write a 525- to 700-word case analysis report based on your discussion responding to the questions at the end of each case study.

Incorporate theories and concepts in relation to the case and question.

CCMH/510CA v2

Multicultural Case Studies

CCMH/510CA v2

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C:UsersdjshireyOneDrive - University of PhoenixF_DriveStyle GuidesUPX LogosHorizontal formatUOPX_Sig_Hor_Black_Medium.pngMulticultural Case Studies

Week 5

Review the case study assigned to your group as if you were a team staffing your clients.

Case Study 1

Cho, the counselor, is a 40-year-old Asian American male. He is deeply rooted in his cultural values and has recently opened a private practice in a diverse upscale neighborhood. He is not married and has no children.

Talia, a 30-year-old Latina female comes to Cho for counseling. She is depressed and feels like there is little meaning in life and feels that she lacks identity outside of being a wife and mother of 2 small children. Cho inquired about any recent events that may have contributed do Talia’s current presenting issues. Talia described her desire to return to school and pursue her own career. She explained that she discussed her desires and feelings of being stifled with her husband who reminded her of her responsibilities to the family. Her husband threatened to leave her if she continued with her plans to return to school. After feeling discouraged by the conversation, Talia spoke with her pastor, who further pointed out the obligations that she had to her husband and her children.

Cho is aware of his own culture biases, which include the man being the head of the household, a strong commitment to the family needs, and that the woman provides the nurturance. He is empathic to Talia’s depression and expressed feelings of wanting to pursue her own interests. He encourages her to consider postponing her own aspirations until after her children have grown up and left the home. Talia takes heed to Cho’s direction because she feels guilt and shame about putting her own needs first and she is also fearful that her husband will follow through on his threats to leave her. Cho and Talia settle on working on establishing goals that help her find other ways to add meaning to her life that would not have such a direct impact on the family.

Case Study 1 Questions

· What evidence of counselor bias exists in the case study? What AMCD competencies might be useful to consider?

· Review the ACA Code of Ethics. What ethical conflicts might arise from this case?

· List the potential gender and cultural issues in this case. How might an effective culturally responsive counselor address each of them?

Case Study 2

Anna is a counselor at a community counseling center who has strong religious beliefs. She is very open about her beliefs, and even includes it in her professional disclosure on the company’s website. The intake department assigned her to work with Sofia.

Sofia is a 35-year-old transgender woman. She identifies as gay and has been in a committed relationship with Rosa for 10 years. Sofia and Rosa are planning to get married in the coming year. For the past two months, Sofia has been experiencing irritability, low energy, and poor sleep. She frequently gets in arguments with Rosa. She is seeking counseling to help alleviate her symptoms, hoping this will also improve her relationship with Rosa.

Anna agrees that counseling can help Sofia with the issues she would like to address, but she also believes that her relationship with Rosa is an issue that needs to be addressed. As Anna sees it, a healthy relationship, especially a marriage, must be between a man and a woman. She believes that Sofia should re-examine her gender identity and sexual orientation. Sofia has stated that she knows she is gay and is comfortable and proud to be a transgender female.

Case Study 2 Questions

· Do you think sexual orientation is Sofia’s primary counseling issue? What about gender identity? Explain your answer.

· What evidence of counselor bias exists in the case study? What AMCD competencies might be useful to consider?

· Because of Anna’s values and strong religious beliefs, should Sofia be referred to another professional? Explain your rationale and state why the recommended action would make Anna an effective cultural counselor.

· As a member of the case consultation team, what ethical guidelines might you refer to when providing feedback on the counselor’s assumptions about the client’s presenting problems?

Case Study 3

Dalia is a 14-year-old biracial female who identifies as African American and lives in the inner city. She is having difficulty in her classes and is really struggling to fit in. Because she is quiet in class and doesn’t answer a lot of questions, her teachers have sent notes home describing her as lacking ambition and being nonchalant about her learning. She reported not only feeling like she doesn’t belong in class, but also that she is having a hard time making friends. She gets called “half-breed” by some students while others often tell her that she couldn’t be African American because she looks White. Her mother noticed the change in her confidence, attitude, and mood, and encouraged her to speak with someone. She tried talking to her school counselor, who told her to stop being lazy and interact more in class. After her session, she overheard the school counselor say, “I wish these people would stop always looking for someone to feel sorry for them.”

Dalia’s mother reported that she has become severely depressed, has limited social connections, and refuses to go to school. She wants her to feel comfortable speaking to a counselor and brought her to the counseling center to speak with someone she could relate to. Lynda is a counselor assigned to work with Dalia and identifies as White. She grew up in the northern suburbs where she still lives with spouse and kids. She has worked at the community counseling center for several years and feels that she understands the struggles of the clients she works with.

Case Study 3 Questions

· Because of cultural differences, can Lynda effectively counsel Dalia? Explain your answer.

· What would be the best way to approach Dalia therapeutically?

· How should the counselor explore Dalia’s racial identity development? What models would you use?

· What are some of the ethical and cultural considerations for work with this client?

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