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1. What are date rape drugs and how can a person be unaware that such a drug has been ingested? 2. What can you do to protect yourself? 3. What do you do if you think you have been sexually assaulted? 4. What can you do when someone you care about has been sexually assaulted? 5. What role does a nurse practitioner play in the care of sexually assaulted patients, particularly in the adolescent age group?

MSN 5550 Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease Case Study Module 12 Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide evidence-based rationales for your answers. APA, 7th ed. must be followed. Deadline: Due by Saturday...


EPIDEMIOLOGY & POPULATION HEALTH   MEASURES AND MEASUREMENT ERROR IN POPULATION RESEARCH   INTRODUCTION   Effective population health promotion and program planning efforts depend upon several factors. These include how often, where, under what...

Scenario: A 38-year-old female presents to the emergency room with complaints of dyspnea and left leg pain. Patient reports that her left leg started feeling heavy a few days ago and has also been red since she returned from a recent trip. She denies any injury to her leg.

Scenario: A 38-year-old female presents to the emergency room with complaints of dyspnea and left leg pain.  Patient reports that her left leg started feeling heavy a few days ago and has also been red since she returned from a recent trip.  She denies any...

SCHOOL OF NURSING GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING – FNP NUR6150 Advanced Prac/ce in Primary Care: Pediatrics Signature Assignment Understanding disease condi/ons specific to pediatrics is vital to ensure proper and /mely diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the pa/ent. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate one disease condi/on in the pediatric popula/on and explore current evidence-based guidelines and treatments to determine a proper plan of care. This assignment will focus on the following course student learning outcomes (CSLO): 2. Develop advanced prac/ce care plans to help manage the delivery of health care to the pediatric client and family (EOPSLO# 3, 5, 6, 7). 3. U/lize relevant evidence-based research findings in the clinical management of the pediatric client (EOPSLO# 1, 3, 4). 4. Integrate legal, ethical, socioeconomic, psychosocial, and cultural factors in the delivery of health care to the pediatric client (EOPSLO# 2, 6). 6. Communicate prac/ce knowledge effec/vely both orally and in wri/ng (EOPSLO# 5). 7. Demonstrates informa/on literacy skills in complex decision-making (EOPSLO# 1, 5). Instruc+ons: Please choose one pediatric health condi/on learned in the course. Once the health condi/on is chosen, you are to write a three-to-five-page paper in APA format 7th edi/on with the following sec/ons and level 2 headings: Introduc@on -Brief overview of pediatric health -Introduce the disease condi/on chosen -Importance of understanding the condi/on Presenta@on of Condi@on -Describe the condi/on chosen and its pathophysiology. -What signs/symptoms are iden/fied in the pa/ent that can be found? -Iden/fy if there can be presenta/on varia/ons based on culture, race, ethnicity, age, etc. Diagnosis of Condi@on -Diagnos/c tes/ng (include imaging, labs, and other necessary evalua/ons based on condi/on) SCHOOL OF NURSING GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING – FNP -Clinical evalua/on via medical history and physical examina/on Treatment of Condi@on -Medica/ons -Treatments -Managing symptoms (if needed) -Non-pharmacological treatments (if applicable) Poten@al Health Risks if Leo Untreated -Physical and mental health risks Recent Evidence-Based Advancements in Condi@on -Choose one evidence-based treatment that has shown to improve condi/on within the last 5 years. -Briefly summarize the treatment and results. Conclusion -Recap points discussed in paper -Importance of management and early diagnosis (if applicable)

 In Topic 4, selections for the Southwest Transit marketing team were made, and now your job is to present the recommendation to your director. Surprisingly though, a directive is issued informing management that only four people will be able to staff the team,...

This assignment will focus on the following course student learning outcomes (CSLO): 2. Develop advanced prac/ce care plans to help manage the delivery of health care to the pediatric client and family (EOPSLO# 3, 5, 6, 7). 3. U/lize relevant evidence-based research findings in the clinical management of the pediatric client (EOPSLO# 1, 3, 4). 4. Integrate legal, ethical, socioeconomic, psychosocial, and cultural factors in the delivery of health care to the pediatric client (EOPSLO# 2, 6). 6. Communicate prac/ce knowledge effec/vely both orally and in wri/ng (EOPSLO# 5). 7. Demonstrates informa/on literacy skills in complex decision-making (EOPSLO# 1, 5).

SCHOOL OF NURSING GRADUATE STUDIES   MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING – FNP   NUR6150 Advanced Prac/ce in Primary Care: Pediatrics   Signature Assignment   Understanding disease condi/ons specific to pediatrics is vital to ensure proper and /mely...

A strategy used in this investigation was the implementation of the epidemiological triangle. John Snow identified the 3 sides of the triangle. The Hosts were the people in Soho infected with Cholera, the Agent was Cholera, and the Environment was the water pump contaminated with fecal matter from the infected hosts. Breaking this triangle solved the mystery of how this disease was spread and helped prevent further infections.

Population Health Nursing week 3 peers response   respond to peers thoughtfully, add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts from scholarly sources, such as: journal articles, assigned readings, textbook material, lectures, course...

Epidemiological case study The Epidemiological Case Study is an interactive exercise developed to teach epidemiologic principles and practices. The case study is based on real-life outbreaks and public health problems and was developed in collaboration with the original investigators and experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Population Health Nursing week 3   Epidemiological case study   The Epidemiological Case Study is an interactive exercise developed to teach epidemiologic principles and practices. The case study is based on real-life outbreaks and public health problems and...

1. Use Links to an external site. or another infographic development to design a patient teaching aid about OTC treatments for colds and cough. Use PO drugs only. 2. Include the following required six sections. You do not have to use these exact words for headings, but they should be labeled to identify the intended topic. a. What OTC drugs (active ingredients) are available to treat the following common cold and cough symptoms?

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.   1. Use Links to an external site. or another infographic development to design a patient teaching aid about OTC...

Create a 3 page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to Evidence Based Practice around one of the diagnoses below and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP. First select one of the diagnoses below. You will use this diagnosis in subsequent assessments. 1) Cholecystitis: Inflammation of the gallbladder, often due to gallstones blocking the ducts.

Locating Credible Databases and Research   Create a 3 page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to Evidence Based Practice around one of the diagnoses below and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP.   First select...