Please see attached for instructions. Below is the topic of discussion. Do you agree with Loeber’s multiple pathways model? Do you know people who have traveled down those paths? DiscussionAssignmentInstructions.docx CJUS 340 Discussion Assignment...
Provide strategies police leaders can implement to improve the public's perception of law enforcement. Consider including examples of recent deadly force incidents, to include how it was handled by police leadership. Be sure to include a discussion about the...
Evaluate the impact of community policing on police and community relations. Is it effective? In doing so, address the challenges to implementing community policing within a police organization. 500 words and 2 references. APA Format
Discuss the legal consequences of unethical police actions. Be sure to include a discussion about crime and tort laws and civil liability. 500 words and 2 references. APA Format
Please note, to receive full credit, you must fully and comprehensively address each question with a minimum of 250 words. You have an opportunity to earn a maximum of 5 points; they will be added to your lowest assessment. Prior to responding, please...
Now that you’ve reviewed the resources about the court system, you are familiar with the four purposes of punishment: deterrence, incapacitation, retribution, and rehabilitation. In this 350- to 500-word journal entry, address the following: Prioritize...
Discuss and describe what is meant by a 'victim precipitated homicide'. In doing so, briefly describe and elaborate a bit on how 'situational rage' and/or 'accumulated rage' may be connected to a victim precipitated...
Debate about the areas in which you submit police departments have been found to be defective or deficient concentrating on i.e., constitutional due process, civil rights, use of deadly force and police brutality, abuse of discretion, corruption and...
Constitution influences professional practice in criminal justice. In this activity, you will choose the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and explain how this amendment impacts criminal justice professionals. Specifically, you will consider one issue related...
For the capstone research paper, you will write an 8-10 page paper (excluding the title page, reference page, tables, and figures) about the approved policy you selected at the beginning of the semester (Capstone Paper Topics). The purpose of this paper is...
In paragraph format with proper punctuation and citation format (APA), post a response to the following questions in the Module 6 Discussion Forum. This activity is worth 100 points (parts a. through d. are worth 25 points each). What does Akers mean when he...