Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Complete a strategy paper on how you would start a sports chapel in a local high school. INSTRUCTIONS Include a self-reflection. Scholarly references will support your refl - Writeden

Complete a strategy paper on how you would start a sports chapel in a local high school.
Include a self-reflection. Scholarly references will support your reflection. The paper must be 5 –7 pages in current APA format. Include a title page and reference page for a total of 7 – 9 pages.
Current APA formatting is required, which must include a title page and reference page.

Criteria Ratings Points

Content Relevance

28 to >24 pts


Demonstrates clear content mastery, addresses all assignment requirements, and in-depth thought/reflection.

24 to >19 pts


Demonstrates an attempt at content mastery, addresses several assignment requirements, and demonstrates an attempt at in-depth thought/reflection.

19 to >0 pts


Loosely demonstrates an attempt at content mastery, all assignment requirements are not met, and there is weak evidence of in-depth thought/reflection.

0 pts

Not Present

No attempt at content mastery, all assignment requirements are not met, and there is no evidence of in-depth thought/reflection.

28 pts

Content Analysis

28 to >24 pts


Demonstrates a clear understanding of self and others. Clear understanding of course concept.

24 to >19 pts


Demonstrates a weak understanding of self and others. Weak understanding of course concepts.

19 to >0 pts


Demonstrates a vague understanding of self and others. Vague understanding of course concepts.

0 pts

Not Present

No evidence of understanding of self or others. No understanding of course concepts.

28 pts

Content Self-Reflection

28 to >24 pts


Demonstrates clear questioning of biases, stereotypes, and/or assumptions. Attempt of new modes of thinking are evident.

24 to >19 pts


Demonstrates vague questioning of biases, stereotypes, and/or assumptions. Weak attempt of new modes of thinking are evident.

19 to >0 pts


Demonstrates poor questioning of own biases, new modes of thinking not evident.

0 pts

Not Present

No evidence of questioning own biases, new modes of thinking not evident.

28 pts

Sports Chapel Strategy Grading Rubric | SMGT402_D01_202320

Criteria Ratings Points

Structure Clarity

12 to >10 pts


Focus is clear, good paragraph structure, varied use of diction and word choice, assertions are supported, correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, correct noun/pronoun agreement.

10 to >7 pts


Minor lapses in focus. Minor errors in paragraph structure, diction, word choices lack variety, assertions are not clearly supported, three or four errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, correct noun/pronoun agreement.

7 to >0 pts


Focus of the paper is not clear. Weak paragraph structure, repetitive use of diction and word choice, assertions are not supported, 5 errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, incorrect noun/pronoun agreement.

0 pts

Not Present

Focus of the paper is not clear. Weak paragraph structure, repetitive use of diction and word choice, assertions are not supported, 5 errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, incorrect noun/pronoun.

12 pts

Structure APA Format

12 to >10 pts


Correct use of APA format, correct font/style, in-text citations, reference page correctly formatted, paper written in objective third person.

10 to >7 pts


Three to four errors in correct use of APA format, correct font/style, missing or errors in in-text citations, two or three errors on the reference page, paper written in objective third person.

7 to >0 pts


Five errors in use of APA format, incorrect font/style, in-text citations incorrectly formatted or lacking, four or more errors on reference page, paper is not written in objective third person.

0 pts

Not Present

Six or more errors in use of APA format, incorrect font/style, in-text citations incorrectly formatted or lacking, Six or more errors on reference page, paper is not written in objective third person.

12 pts

Structure Assignment Parameters

12 to >10 pts


Paper addresses the assignment, correct number of pages, pagination, correct number of scholarly sources for academic support.

10 to >7 pts


Paper is one page short of requirement, no pagination, one source shy of requirement for scholarly sources for academic support.

7 to >0 pts


Two pages short of requirement, no pagination, two sources shy of the requirement for scholarly sources for academic support.

0 pts

Not Present

Three or more pages short of requirement, no pagination, three sources shy of the requirement for scholarly sources for academic support.

12 pts

Total Points: 120

Sports Chapel Strategy Grading Rubric | SMGT402_D01_202320