Reference the career prompts in Wk 1 – Journal Entry if you are looking for ideas to write about. compose a journal entry about a career goal or continue journaling about building your personal brand. You may handwrite or type your journal, and it will not be graded for content and grammar. You are not required to share your entire journal with your faculty member. If you need help starting a journal, contact your faculty member for support. Your faculty member is here to help and might share ideas about how they use a journal for their own writing practice.
Select the Yes or No button on this activity’s multiple choice question to indicate whether you completed journaling this week. If you did, you’ll receive credit for this week’s journal entry assignment after answering the question below and providing your sum compose a -sentence summary of your journal content this week in the Additional Content text box below your Yes response so your faculty member can make note of your progress.
Personal Branding Guide: 5 Steps to Build Your Personal Brand (Note: This resource is also located in PhoenixLink’s Career Resources section.)
University Library Journal Resources