Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Compose a review of the performance above as if your audience is the general reading public and you are a person who attends concerts for pleasure. As you discuss about the concert, deal wit - Writeden

Compose a review of the performance above as if your audience is the general reading public and you are a person who attends concerts for pleasure. As you discuss about the concert, deal with aspects of the concert that you consider most important or striking. (Essay Format) (BELOW IS A FORMAT THAT YOU CAN FOLLOW)

Intro: Briefly describe the event using these questions:
WHOwho was performing?
WHATWhat was the event? What was the title of the concert?
WHEREWhere was the event held?
WHENdate, time?
WHYWhat was the purpose?
HOWTypes of concert and music (concert band, jazz band, choir)

Body: The bulk of the review might address some of these questions.
Questions about the performance:
What about the experience was new or different for you?
What impressed you about this live music experience and why?
Which selection intrigued you the most? Explain what about the music intrigued you.
If the piece is a new work, what is your opinion about the writing of the composition?
What work did you find most enjoyable? Why?
If there was a selection you did not enjoy, why didn’t you enjoy it?
What did the audience respond to the most? Least?
Questions about the performers:
What was your opinion about the performers’ presentation of the music?
How good are they as musicians?
How well did they work together?
Be sure to concentrate on musical matters, although brief discussions of other aspects may be included.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the overall impression of the concert.
Reactions and opinions
Likes and dislikes, why?
Finally, give the
performers a pat on the back or suggestions for improvement, and give your readers good
reasons for going (or not going) to the next such concert.
THANK YOU SO MUCH, in advance 🙂