Create an assessment for a goal or objective of your own choosing. Your project should include the following and follow APA 7th edition style:
- Cover Page (2 points)
- A brief description of the course your assessment is designed to assess (8 points)
- Objective or Goal being assessed (5 points)
- The actual assessment (items list, directions for project-based assessment, etc.) (10 points)
- A detailed rubric for the assessment (10 points)
- Reliability and Validity information (describe how you will insure reliability and validity) (5 points)
- A description of how you will evaluate results (e.g. raw score, criterion-referenced, or norm-referenced) (5 points)
- A description of how and why you chose the assessment method (10 points)
- Modified version(s) of the assessment based on accommodations for adult learners with disabilities (10 points)
- A summary of this project and its components that includes at least five in-text citations and references to peer-reviewed journal articles and other sources related to measurement and evaluation (10 points)
- Reference page (at least 4 references, with at least 2 of them being peer reviewed references) (10)