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Prepare a 2 page digital flyer to share with staff that works with ELLs (general education

teachers, content area teachers, instructional aides). Add a link or copy of your digital flyer to the

“Cultural Resource for Educators” section of the “Professional Learning Plan.” Your flyer should


● A brief explanation of culturally responsive teaching and how cultural identity (e.g., academic, personal, familial, and sociopolitical factors) affects learning and academic progress.

● Resources from Topic 2 that support different cultures with a description of how to incorporate that information into classroom learning to advocate for ELLs.

● Collaboration strategies for all educators on campus to advocate for ELLs. Specify how ELL teachers can support general education or content area teachers to promote positive outcomes for ELL students.

● Describe how identity, role, cultural understanding, and personal biases affect the interpretation of strengths, needs, and instruction of ELL students in the United States.

Support your digital flyer with a minimum of two scholarly resources.