Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Describe a story (from a novel or even a TV show) that held your attention where you couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Now, consider how the elements of a brand tell a - Writeden

TOPIC 1: Connecting with Customers

PROMPT: Describe a story (from a novel or even a TV show) that held your attention where you couldn't wait to see what happened next. Now, consider how the elements of a brand tell a story. How do you connect with perceptions of your favorite brands? Do they tell a story?

TOPIC 3: Branding and Positioning 

PROMPT: Case Study: Coke vs. Pepsi  This case study discussion is about branding. Formulate a response responding to the specific questions below rather than those within in the case study.  Review this case study:  Coke vs. Pepsi: 100 Years of Contention 

  • Coke and Pepsi offer products that are close substitutes. How do the companies position their brands to differentiate their products?
  • Each of the brands have used celebrity endorsers. Name a celebrity endorser for each brand and how they reflect a different position in the market. 
  • How are Coke and Pepsi positioning themselves to be the dominant choice of the younger generations such as Generation Z and Alpha?