Create a PowerPoint presentation to be given to an audience of site supervisors to educate them on the issue of the aging workforce. The goal for your presentation should be to help the site supervisors understand this issue. Address the following topics in your presentation.
Discuss how an aging workforce changes the worksite dynamic as it relates to safety.
Explain the differences found on the worksite between younger and older employees, taking into consideration issues such as culture, ambulation, alert systems, and signage.
Address the issue of technology, and recommend new safety technology for the aging employee.
Consider what additional safety measures need to be implemented specifically for that aging employee as well as what additional training needs to be completed.
Make suggestions for how supervisors can promote the safety of the older workforce in a respectful and dignified way.
Explain how safety precautions for the aging workforce are part of the total safety management of a worksite.
You may also pull from previous units in an effort to tie together the material covered in this course.
Your presentation must contain at least 10 content slides, not counting the title and references slides. Photos and graphics are required. You must add either audio or speaker notes to your presentation.
Note- Please Add speaker notes, no audio is required.