Order Instructions
Overview: Read the assignment material for the week. This week, the reading assignment is: Forward and Chapters 1 – 9 of “What is a Disaster” by Perry & Quarantelli (eds.).
Assignment: Use the attached APA paper templates. Provide an approximate 1500-word document analyzing important concepts in the readings. Ensure you apply the discussion tenets from the contributors to your work including the work of Joseph Scanlon, David Alexander, Susan Cutter, Rohit Jigyasu, Neil Britton, and Wolf Dombrowsky. Assume that you are writing for an uninformed reader that knows nothing about the topic and has not read what you read. Provide an introduction that gives the background of the resource that you are reviewing, so the reader will understand what they’re reading and why. Include the following topics in the discussion:
– Discuss why is it difficult to define the concept of disaster? Is it a moving target?
– Analyze and discuss the role of culture and the design of civilization on the way disasters are perceived.
– Define ‘reality’ and ‘construct’. Analyze and discuss if there is such a thing as reality? Why or why not?
– Assess and discuss the role of ‘respondent’ in academic discussions. What role does a respondent play, and what value does he/she add?
Use the attached APA paper templates. DO NOT list out the topics or questions and answer them. Provide APA formatted headings. Ensure that you meet or exceed the 1500-word target, and that your paper meets APA presentation requirements. Save the Microsoft Word document as [yourlastnameWkX] (e.g. SmithWk4) and upload the paper to the assignment.
Rubric: Papers will be graded using the APUS graduate rubric, with attention paid to comprehension, depth of knowledge, and clear expression of ideas and arguments. Additionally, adherence to APA conventions will be required.
Note: the only reference is a hard copy book “What is A Disaster?” by Ronald W. Perry and E.L. Quarantelli