Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Explain specifically what you want to explore, understand, or learn from your business management internship. - Writeden

Use single-spaced, block paragraphs with a 12-point font in Times New Roman or Arial.

read the attached document

Requirements: 1 page

Reflective Journal


part 1:

1. Explain specifically what you want to explore, understand, or learn from your business management internship.

3. Identify ONE competency that you can improve upon during your internship. How can you specifically obtain this knowledge, skill, or attitude/behavior (KSA) by the end of your internship?

Part 2:

Reflect on Habit One

In “Habit One: Be Proactive” of “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” Covey discusses the difference between being a proactive and a reactive person. Describe a situation where you acted reactively or where you observed someone acting reactively. What was the outcome? How would acting proactively alter the situation?


Use single-spaced block paragraphs with a 12-point font in Times New Roman or Arial.

You are not to simply “answer the question.” Instead, you are expected to form your responses in paragraph form using accepted conventions of grammar, punctuation, and style.