For this Written Response Assessment, you will respond to a series of prompts related to partnerships that support inclusive preschool education.
Professional Skill: Written Communication is assessed in this Competency.
Access the following to complete this Assessment:
- Download the Written Response Submission Form, which includes the Rubric for this Assessment. Complete the form using the criteria presented in the Rubric.
IP4004: Partnerships That Support Children in Inclusive Early Childhood Programs: Explain strategies for partnering with families and other professionals to support inclusive experiences for young children.
Written Response Submission Form
Your Name: First and last
Your Email Address: Your email here
Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.
Item 1
Review the video Parents of Special Education Students: Building Positive Relationships and NAEYC Standard Two: Building Family and Community Relationships from the NAEYC (2009) Standards for Professional Preparation (p. 12). Explain how two strategies from the video can be used to partner with families in an inclusive environment that also align with NAEYC Standard Two. (1 paragraph)
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Topic 1: Partnering and Collaborating With Families |
Explain how two strategies that you observed being used by the practitioners to partner with families in the inclusive environment in the video align with NAEYC Standard Two. LO1: Explain strategies that support NAEYC Professional Preparation Standard Two: Building Family and Community Relationships. |
Response is missing. |
Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. |
Response is clear, accurate, and complete. |
Item 2
Isabel, a 4-year-old girl in your inclusive preschool classroom, has been diagnosed with ADHD. You have noticed that she is often distracted and has a difficult time sitting still or listening during story time. You have asked Isabel’s parents to meet with you to talk about Isabel’s strengths and challenges in school, but they have declined the meetings. Your director, who knows the family well, explained that Isabel’s parents have a strong conviction that what happens during the school day is the school’s responsibility, and their responsibility has to do with Isabel’s development during the time she spends at home. If given the opportunity, how would you explain to Isabel’s parents the importance of family involvement in supporting Isabel’s development and learning? (2 paragraphs)
Your Response
Enter your response here
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Topic 1: Partnering and Collaborating With Families |
If given the opportunity, how would you explain to Isabel’s parents the importance of family involvement in supporting Isabel’s development and learning? LO2: Explain the importance of family involvement in promoting early learning and development in inclusive environments. |
Response is missing. |
Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. |
Response is clear, accurate, and complete. |
Item 3
Explain three strategies that you can use to support family engagement and knowledge of children’s development and learning within inclusive classroom communities. (1–2 paragraphs)
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Topic 1: Partnering and Collaborating With Families |
Explain three strategies that you can use to support family engagement and knowledge of children’s development and learning within inclusive classroom communities.
LO3: Explain strategies that support family engagement and knowledge of children’s development and learning within inclusive classroom communities. |
Response is missing. |
Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. |
Response is clear, accurate, and complete. |
Item 4
Explain why partnerships between early childhood professionals are both necessary and important, especially when working with children who have exceptionalities and in supporting high-quality early childhood programs. (1–2 paragraphs)
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Topic 2: Partnerships With Other Professionals to Support Inclusion |
Explain why partnerships between early childhood professionals are both necessary and important, especially when working with children who have exceptionalities and in supporting high-quality early childhood programs. LO1: Explain the necessity and benefits of partnerships between early childhood professionals to support individual children and high-quality inclusive early childhood programs. |
Response is missing. |
Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. |
Response is clear, accurate, and complete. |
Item 5
You are the director of an inclusive preschool program and are looking to garner more support for and acceptance of high-quality inclusive early childhood education in your community. Based on your knowledge of potential partners in your own community, identify one agency that could serve as a partner in working toward this inclusion, and explain how this partnership could be beneficial. (1–2 paragraphs)
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Topic 2: Partnerships With Other Professionals to Support Inclusion |
Based on your knowledge of potential partners in your own community, identify one agency that could serve as a partner in working toward this inclusion, and explain how this partnership could be beneficial. LO2: Explain benefits of partnering with specific community agencies or organizations to garner support for and acceptance of high-quality inclusive early childhood education. |
Response is missing. |
Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. |
Response is clear, accurate, and complete. |
Item 6
Emily is a 4-year-old girl with a behavior disorder. When she first began coming to Kid’s Castle Preschool one year ago, she often engaged in challenging behaviors such as long tantrums, destroying toys, and hitting other children. However, Emily’s challenging behaviors have substantially subsided as she learned to trust the adults and children around her. Emily’s family is now moving to another state and her parents are worried that the transition process to another classroom will disrupt Emily’s progress and cause her to regress. Explain a collegial partnership Emily’s teacher could facilitate that might support Emily and her family in preparing her for this transition. (1–2 paragraphs)
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Topic 2: Partnerships With Other Professionals to Support Inclusion |
Explain a collegial partnership Emily’s teacher could facilitate that might support Emily and her family in preparing her for this transition. LO3: Explain collegial partnerships that can support children and families during transitions. |
Response is missing. |
Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. |
Response is clear, accurate, and complete. |
Item 7
Max, a 5-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, is one of the preschoolers in your class. You have noticed that Max would benefit immensely from having assistive technology in the classroom (e.g., a sophisticated computer with specialized software). However, the preschool director tells you that what you have proposed is unneeded, and that every child should learn to adapt to his/her environment without special resources. Explain a communication strategy you could use with your director to support Max’s access to assistive technology in the classroom. (2 paragraphs)
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Topic 2: Partnerships With Other Professionals to Support Inclusion |
Explain a communication strategy you could use with your director to support Max’s access to assistive technology in the classroom. LO4: Explain communication strategies to advocate with colleagues for children’s needs in inclusive classrooms. |
Response is missing. |
Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. |
Response is clear, accurate, and complete. |
Item 8
Michael, one of the children in your kindergarten class, has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. You are a preschool teacher who is collaborating with other professionals to support Michael’s development and learning. Explain three communication and collaboration strategies that would be essential to the development and maintenance of an ongoing collaborative relationship. (1 paragraph)
Your Response
Enter your response here.
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
Topic 2: Partnerships With Other Professionals to Support Inclusion |
Explain three communication and collaboration strategies that would be essential to the development and maintenance of an ongoing collaborative relationship. LO5: Explain communication and collaboration strategies essential to the development and maintenance of ongoing collaborative professional relationships. |
Response is missing. |
Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete. |
Response is clear, accurate, and complete. |
Provide a citation for each resource you used to write your response to this Assessment. A sample citation is provided below :
· Allen, K. E. & Cowdery, G. E. (2015). The exceptional child: Inclusion in early childhood education (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Mastery Rubric
In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric.
Exceeds Expectations: Analyzes Sources to Make Informed Conclusions |
LO1: Analyze multiple, relevant sources to identify and support partnerships with families, communities, and colleagues within inclusive early childhood settings. |
Responses to the items use information from multiple, relevant sources to demonstrate a thorough understanding of strategies that support essential partnerships in high-quality inclusive education. · Yes · No |
Professional Skill Building
The faculty Assessor will provide feedback on the following Professional Skill: Written Communication. Although the feedback is here to inform the development of your skills, it is not a barrier to achieving the Competency, unless the writing is too poor to score the content of the Assessment. Review the rubric, and check your work based on the learning objectives listed. If you are concerned that you will not meet these expectations yet, reach out to your Coach so he or she can work with you to further develop this important professional skill.
It is highly recommended that you use this opportunity to practice the skills of Written Communication in the context of this Competency Assessment in order to receive feedback about your current level of proficiency.
Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose |
0 Not Present |
1 Needs Improvement |
2 Meets Expectations |
LO9: Use appropriate tone and vocabulary for a given audience. (Awe 3; Awareness of audience and discipline) |
Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate for the audience. |
Vocabulary and tone vary throughout the writing, limiting reader’s access to ideas. |
Vocabulary and tone communicate key concepts that are appropriate for the audience. |
LO10: Apply APA formatting and style guidelines. (Awe 3 awareness of audience and discipline and credit to source) |
APA formatting and style are not present. |
Writing inconsistently uses in-text citations and references. Major errors in APA style impede understanding and/or violate standards for academic integrity. |
Writing uses in-text citations appropriately, includes references when applicable, and is formatted according to APA style. Minor errors in APA style do not impede understanding or violate standards for academic integrity. |
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