Chat with us, powered by LiveChat How Grit Helps Students Persist Fixed vs. Growth – The Tow basic Mindsets that Shape our Lives - Writeden

Part 1 (5 pts): Read and review two articles on the topic of fixed and growth mindsets (supplied just below). Using APA writing style, offer a Title Page, three short  reflection paragraphs (introduction, body and conclusion) and a reference page listing the two supplied articles. The term paper will evolve, moving away from a “reflection” paper, toward a research paper. The use of a first-person narrative will not be acceptable as you evolve to Part 2 and 3 of this term paper. (1-2 pages) 


How Grit Helps Students Persist


Fixed vs. Growth – The Tow basic Mindsets that Shape our Lives PART 1 IS DONE ALREADY…




Part 2 (10 pts): Research and add to your current APA reference page  2 additional scholarly articles regarding fixed and growth mindsets. Add two paragraphs for each article. For each article; the  first paragraph should summarize what the article is about and the  second paragraph, you must choose to either identify gaps and contradictions OR similarities and strengths from the new articles to the original supplied articles in Part 1. You must offer a minimum of two in-text citations from the new articles. Consider revising your introduction and conclusion. (4-5 pages) 


Limit yourself to only  one of the below supplied articles and go research to find one of your own. See the other resources for accessing the library.


Ending Curriculum Violence Teaching Tolerance


It’s Not About Grit


Mindset and Perseverance of Adolescents


Origins of Children’s Growth and Fixed Mindsets ONLY DO PART 2




Part 3 (15 pts): You must add  2 additional scholarly articles focused on the negative aspects of maintaining a fixed mindset and  1 additional scholarly article focused on creative thinking. For the culmination of this term paper, you must add at least three paragraphs specifically about the cause and effect OR impact of having a fixed mindset. These three paragraphs should emphasize creativity. You must now offer at least 1 in-text citation for each article listed on your reference page. One additional paragraph, positioned before the conclusion paragraph must be written, which suggests the next steps to possible problem-solving toward your thesis statement. A distinguishable revision of the introduction and conclusion must be presented to clearly state a thesis (purpose of the paper) to your evolved paper.  (10 pages) 


Limit yourself to only  one of the below supplied articles and go research to find two of your own. See the other resources for accessing the library.


D isentangling Creative Mindsets


What Having a Growth Mindset Actually Means


Growth Mindsets and College Students


Growth Mindset Controversies


Psychology of Contribution and Everyday Leadership




Requirements: 12 point font, using Times New Roman and APA writing style. Page count does not include your correct APA Title page and Reference page. Your complete term paper should be 10 total pages with a minimum of 7 total articles (4 articles supplied by me). You may choose to use other articles I’ve offered as additional articles to support your work. Each progression is intended to add on and help reshape the previous thought put into the written work. 


Assignment Objective:


APA writing style a requirement in psychology and your future psychology course will have increasing expectations.  This ongoing assignment will develop some foundational skills.




1. Discover the personal relevance of course material, including an understanding of the role of psychological forces in their lives and the lives of others


2. Develop skills necessary to evaluate, think critically and apply information concerning psychological phenomena obtained from research, the general public, and the media.


3. Be prepared for advanced research in psychology