Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Identify one factor that you want and can change from your itemized scores section (Personal, Medical, CAD, Diet, Psych, Safety) that impacts your overall health. Explain w - Writeden

Answer by looking at following pdf.

A. Question/Paragraph 1: (Evaluate) Identify one factor that you want and can change from your itemized scores section (Personal, Medical, CAD, Diet, Psych, Safety) that impacts your overall health. Explain why you chose this factor.

B. Question/Paragraph 2: (Analyze) Identify your barriers to change and examine how these affect your health. Cite your sources at the end of the narrative that help you answer this paragraph.

C. Question/Paragraph 3: (Apply) Explain how your health would improve if you made a change in this chosen area. Cite your sources at the end of the narrative that help you answer this paragraph.

D. Paragraph 4: (Create) Propose alternative solutions to improve your overall health. In other words, what can you do differently throughout the day to improve your overall health as it relates to the one factor you want to change? Cite your sources at the end of the narrative that help you answer this paragraph.

5/11/23, 1:14 AM : Health Age Questionnaire 1/4

Estimate your health age and life expectancy: select the most correct option. Type your age and click "Calculate".

Personal Sex female

Race Asian

Longevity grandparents lived past 90, parents past 80

Education college graduate or skilled craftsman

Sleep 7-8 hours

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Cholesterol / HDL ratio Unknown

Blood pressure (systolic / diastolic) 110-130 / 60-80

Smoking never

Heredity 1 close relative over 60 with CAD

Waist / Hip Ratio (Instructions) low risk (< 0.84 male; < 0.72 female)

Stress ambitious but relaxed

Physical activity (work, recreation, and exercise) 10-20 min, light, 1-2 days/wk

Medical Medical exam and screening tests (blood pressure, glaucoma, diabetes)

sometimes get tests

Heart some history

Lung (including tuberculosis and pneumonia) no problems

Digestive tract occasional diarrhea, loss of appetite

Health Age Questionnaire–bjS2hTpymwxT80mYjXfcp0LaQuYvOwnkHTepECuuL96Uwv9qrlMQfMybRjyCEY5iQSjOf7Rde2g1vEX0ohenBiyn_xKbQC7SZ5EqSscoMk9b-q3MhM8orvz69XNDxn-h8I8DQ5OyS1bWypweeOB5DYhSUyKMVYfsMHom_rL19zxIa2hl951Wff67PjFCOeKumbQ4JqlFbhvFQwQDg63OOsNMhpt_fCisyeK1ilezRPQhjbVGyi_ss9uyTBHbf10gzzG0arcIZrANxjzm5TnA95dFDWnPqTIF1h_MzJQZND4TkQ3upMLZ3bh4kZS8cBmDZx5e3OB7BqNWEulEqEzEUbUPwm7kpkX6xyp3x5XadxFwEIaArGErxJPIhxc6NdEuOAC&sai=AMfl-YT_Gki9UncTTsz3Lc-UZUbM-I4rN8wJuk3yuzOxRqoGLbb7QrugbttWmFFfEXx_tr_B9FnxR0qnZekuonum4Ra2dhZorZo3uP2-kxCb5VbOuE8-wXygD3VYAUSY4K04CNO-PimLtN-9YceMbyB3o6pCjtp6J-HsSgoXiM9p1M0gSIiWw08mMZLoxfuBwGn7mYU3WFuM3fCdeOn693O0y6YXJacRyyeshcKdaRzQm-oExxV7Eds_HXcGUyT8U2Rc0fqcjMlNQDv_hVRRC7DD8dWrt5Jf3uxh6IauqNOyHdjczswjjc_Gxm6NQgMLLQ&sig=Cg0ArKJSzJHQHch1dTL9&fbs_aeid=[gw_fbsaeid]&urlfix=1&adurl=!

5/11/23, 1:14 AM : Health Age Questionnaire 2/4

Diabetes no problem and no family history

Drugs ———-

Medical (women only) Women's health care never have exam

Birth control pill never used

Dietary Breakfast coffee

Regular meals 2 daily

Fruits and vegetables 1 or less servings daily

Monounsaturated Fats (eg: avocados, olives, olive oil, etc.)

consumption 2-4 times each week

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (eg: fatty fish, grass fed meats, flax seeds, etc.

rare consumption

Refined Oils: omega 6 and fried foods (eg: most salad dressings, cooking oils, packaged foods, etc.)

daily high omega 6 and fried foods 2-4 times a week

Refined Foods several servings: bread, rice, cereals, packaged foods

Alcohol none

Psychological Happiness feel satisfied

Depression no family history of depression

Anxiety often anxious

Relaxation relax often

Love and marriage unmarried

Job satisfaction ———-

Social have some friends

srizana gurung

5/11/23, 1:14 AM : Health Age Questionnaire 3/4

Safety Driving less than 7,000 miles (11,000 km) / year

Seat belt usage always

Risk-taking (motorcycle, mountain climb, skydive, higher risk job, etc.)

some with careful preparation

Type your actual age and click "Calculate".

21 Enter your actual


Calculate Reset Click calculate

78.9 Typical Life


91.2 Your Life


8.7 Your Health Age

This questionnaire is designed to help make you aware of factors that can affect your health and longevity. Review your answers and determine which factors you can improve. *Typical Life Expenctancy based on 2005 US Statistics for all races and sexes.

Your itemized scores (years)

10.3 Personal

2 Medical


-3 Diet

0 Psych

2 Safety

12.3 Total




5/11/23, 1:14 AM : Health Age Questionnaire 4/4

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