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Read rubric verbatim

What to Submit

Submit this assignment as a 4-to 5-page. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 

IHP 604 Module Four Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric


For the purpose of this assignment, imagine that you are the chief quality officer for your healthcare organiza�on. It is a Monday morning, and you have five issues to address (represented by

the five scenarios listed below) during your department mee�ng. At the department mee�ng, you will iden�fy a problem-solving framework to address three of the scenarios and the internal

team needed to examine, inves�gate, and address each issue. You may select the three scenarios that seem more interes�ng or urgent to you.

1. The chief compliance officer at your organiza�on has asked you if the small community clinic pharmacy that is a part of the organiza�on is s�ll maintaining uniform implementa�on of

narco�c dispensing and documenta�on procedures. There have been no issues over the last six months a�er a quality improvement ini�a�ve was implemented, but it s�ll needs to be a

top priority for your department.

2. Over the weekend, a piece of a drill bit flew off the drill and landed in the �bial �ssue field during surgery. The surgeon closed the repair area without removing the drill bit piece. The

pa�ent developed sepsis. You may want to review the focused professional prac�ce evalua�on standards from The Joint Commission.

3. The ongoing professional prac�ce evalua�on (OPPE) prac�ces set by The Joint Commission for all healthcare providers in a medical prac�ce facility were recently revised. Your

organiza�on must determine if they need to make any process changes to meet the updated standards.

4. One of your organiza�on’s facili�es wants to use a security tag for newborns from �me of birth to discharge, but it needs your department’s approval before implemen�ng this change.

5. The HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) Survey (also known as the CAHPS® Hospital Survey, or Hospital CAHPS®) for the last quarter

indicates pa�ents’ dissa�sfac�on with understanding their hospital bill and lack of knowledge about how to get clarifica�on. HCAHPS is a standardized survey instrument and data

collec�on methodology that has been in use since 2006 to measure pa�ents’ perspec�ves of hospital care.

This assignment will help prepare you for your course project through the selec�on and applica�on of problem-solving frameworks.


For this assignment, you need to select and then apply the most appropriate problem-solving frameworks that will help you to address each issue or scenario. You can choose from these four

frameworks: tracers, root cause analyses (RCA), failure mode effect analyses (FMEA), and plan-do-study-act (PDSA). You should consider whether you are dealing with a problem that has

already taken place or trying to be proac�ve in your strategy for maintaining excellence in your healthcare facility. You will need to consider stakeholders, too. These are the healthcare

professionals and interprofessional team members who may need to be working with you to address the scenario. These might include nurses, physicians, nurse prac��oners, therapists,

security staff, environmental personnel, billing staff, community board members, or others that you iden�fy. What expecta�ons will you have of these team members as part of your

problem-solving strategy? Will they help or hinder your efforts, and why might this be so? Provide specific evidence from at least two scholarly sources to support your claims.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria for three of the five scenarios:


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1. Compare proac�ve and reac�ve problem-solving frameworks: Compare the value and advantages of proac�ve and reac�ve problem-solving frameworks in general (you do not need

to discuss any of the scenarios).

2. Choose a problem-solving framework: Choose the problem-solving framework that will be the most helpful in addressing each of your three selected scenarios (you may choose which

three scenarios out of the five you want to use, and you may use different frameworks for each scenario).

3. Categorize problem-solving frameworks as proac�ve or reac�ve: Explain why the problem-solving framework is proac�ve or reac�ve and how this helps in the inves�ga�ve or review

process for your three selected scenarios.

4. Apply problem-solving frameworks: Apply your selected framework to your three selected scenarios by describing what will be done at each stage of the framework.

5. Members of the organiza�on: Examine the members of the organiza�on you will need to par�cipate in each step of the framework for your three selected scenarios.

A. Who are the vital interprofessional par�cipants, and what should their contribu�on be to the inves�ga�ve process?

B. How can you maximize the ac�ons and inputs of each of the par�cipants?

6. Jus�fy the selec�on of problem-solving frameworks: Jus�fy the selec�on of your problem-solving framework for each of your three selected scenarios.

7. Organiza�onal goal: Iden�fy one organiza�onal goal that you think should be a�ained for each of your three selected scenarios.

What to Submit

Submit this assignment as a 4-to 5-page paper. You must also include an APA-style �tle page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be

cited according to APA style. If you need wri�ng support, you can access the Online Wri�ng Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Module Four Short Paper Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Compare Proac�ve and

Reac�ve Problem-Solving


Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear and

insigh�ul manner, using

industry-specific language

Compares value and

advantages of proac�ve and

reac�ve problem-solving

frameworks in general

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or


Does not a�empt criterion 15

Choose Problem-Solving


Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear and

insigh�ul manner, using

industry-specific language

Chooses problem-solving

framework that will be most

helpful in addressing each of

the three selected scenarios

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or


Does not a�empt criterion 5

Categorize Problem-Solving

Frameworks as Proac�ve or


Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear and

insigh�ul manner, using

industry-specific language

Explains why problem-solving

framework is proac�ve or

reac�ve, and how this helps in

inves�ga�ve or review process

for the three selected scenarios

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or


Does not a�empt criterion 15

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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Apply Problem-Solving


Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear and

insigh�ul manner, using

industry-specific language

Applies selected framework to

the three selected scenarios by

describing what will be done at

each stage of the framework

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or


Does not a�empt criterion 15

Members of the


Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear and

insigh�ul manner, using

industry-specific language

Examines members of the

organiza�on who will need to

par�cipate in each step of the

framework for the three

selected scenarios

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or


Does not a�empt criterion 10

Jus�fy Selec�on of Problem-

Solving Frameworks

Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear and

insigh�ul manner, using

industry-specific language

Jus�fies selec�on of problem-

solving framework for each of

the three selected scenarios

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or


Does not a�empt criterion 15

Organiza�onal Goal Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear and

insigh�ul manner, using

industry-specific language

Iden�fies one organiza�onal

goal that should be a�ained for

each of the three selected


Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or


Does not a�empt criterion 10

Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear and

insigh�ul manner

Clearly conveys meaning with

correct grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling,

demonstra�ng an

understanding of audience and


Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors in

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, nega�vely

impac�ng readability

Submission has cri�cal errors in

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, preven�ng

understanding of ideas


Scholarly Sources Incorporates more than two

scholarly, current (within the

last five years) sources, or use

of sources is excep�onally


Incorporates two scholarly,

current (within the last five

years) sources that support


Incorporates fewer than two

scholarly, current (within the

last five years) sources, or not

all sources support claims

Does not incorporate sources 5

APA Style Formats in-text cita�ons and

reference list according to APA

style with no errors

Formats in-text cita�ons and

reference list according to APA

style with fewer than five


Formats in-text cita�ons and

reference list according to APA

style with five or more errors

Does not format in-text

cita�ons and reference list

according to APA style


Total: 100%

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Title of the Paper

*not the title of the assignment

Your Name

Department of Nursing, Southern New Hampshire University


Dr. Patrick Reed

Month Day, Year

Title of the Paper

A brief introduction that tells the reader what the paper is about. The introduction does not have a heading.

Frameworks: Proactive or Reactive

Compare proactive and reactive frameworks. Compare the value and advantages of proactive and reactive problem-solving frameworks in general ( you do not need to discuss any of the scenarios in this section).

The Scenarios

Problem-Solving Framework

Choose the problem-solving framework that will be the most helpful in addressing each of your three selected scenarios (you may choose which three scenarios out of the five you want to use, and you may use different frameworks for each scenario).Note: Name the scenario—for example, Clinic Pharmacy, Retained Foreign Object, OPPE, Security Tags, Hospital Billing. Do Not Name Scenarios 1, 2, 3, etc.

Start a new paragraph for each scenario. Do not combine the three scenarios in one section/paragraph. Example:

Drill bit…



Categorize the Framework

Do Not Name Scenarios 1, 2, 3, etc. Categorize problem-solving frameworks as proactive or reactive: Explain why the problem-solving framework is proactive or reactive and how this helps in the investigative or review process for your three selected scenarios.

Apply the Frameworks

Apply your selected framework to your three selected scenarios describing what will be done at each stage of the framework. Do Not Name Scenarios 1, 2, 3, etc

Members of the Team

Examine the members of the organization you will need to participate in each step of the framework for your three selected scenarios. Include who are the vital interprofessional participants, and what should their contribution be to the investigative process. How can you maximize the actions and inputs of each of the participants?

Justify the Selection

Justify the selection of your problem-solving framework for each of your three selected scenarios. Do Not Name Scenarios 1, 2, 3, etc

Organizational Goals

Identify one organizational goal that you think should be attained for each of your three selected scenarios. Consider Organizational Culture of Safety. Do Not Name Scenarios 1, 2, 3, etc


References are in 7th edition APA format. Begin the reference list on a new page, follows alphabetical order, includes a hanging indention and each reference cited in the text is listed.

** Delete all highlighted information from the template as you craft your paper.