Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this assignment, you will analyze how teenage sexuality and older ?adult sexuality are depicted differently across two popular media ?sources. The goal - Writeden


In this assignment, you will analyze how teenage sexuality and older  adult sexuality are depicted differently across two popular media  sources. The goal is to develop media literacy skills by examining  messages about sexuality at different life stages.

  1. Select two current popular movies, TV shows, books, etc. One should  prominently feature depictions of teenage (13-19 years old) sexuality,  and the other should feature depictions of older adult (65+ years old)  sexuality. Clearly note the sources you are drawing from for your  analysis.
  2. For each media source, identify 3-5 key scenes or examples that  portray sexual situations, attitudes, relationships, etc., for the  teenage and older adult characters.
  3. Analyze the identified examples, considering: 
    • How is teenage sexuality portrayed? What attitudes, behaviors, or stereotypes are evident?
    • How is older adult sexuality portrayed? What attitudes, behaviors, or stereotypes are evident?
    • How do the depictions differ between the two age groups? Are there double standards?
    • Are the portrayals realistic, or do they reinforce stereotypical societal myths about sexuality at different ages?
    • What overall messages do the portrayals send about sexuality and aging?