Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,
- Read Chapter 3: Collecting and Considering Data of the course textbook One Step at a Time: A Roadmap for Problem Solving & Making a Difference.
- Review the What Factors Should Someone Consider When Conducting an Online Interview in Real Time?Links to an external site. video.
- Review A Closer Look: Week 3: Diving Into the Research.
- Download the Research Interview Template Download Research Interview Template.
In this discussion, you will practice effective interviewing methods and learn to conduct yourself in a professional manner.
Select the arrows to review the discussion requirements.
Part 1: Conduct an Interview
In preparation for the interview,
- Select one person to interview who is relevant to or can inform them of the problem. You may elect to interview more than one person.
- Follow the interview steps outlined in the Research Interview Template Download Research Interview Template.
- Conduct the interview.
Part 2: Post and Respond
After the interview, in your discussion post,
- Explain the relevance of the interviewee to the problem you selected.
- Important: Do not reveal the identity of the interviewee.
- Identify the method of survey (face-to-face, phone, text, video conference, email, etc.).
- List the interview questions and a brief overview of the responses.
- Describe your overall perception of the interview process and results.
- What went well? What would you do differently?
- Were the results as you expected?
Your initial post should be a minimum of 150 words and is due on Day 3 (Thursday).
Research Interview
<Your Name>
The University of Arizona Global Campus
<Your Instructor’s Name>
Basic Information
Interviewee Full Name: _________________________________________________________________
Date/Time: ___________________________________________________________________________
Interview Method (FTF/Videoconference/Phone/Email/Text): __________________________________
Location (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________
Relevance to Problem: __________________________________________________________________
Interview Process
Welcome the interviewee.
Introduce yourself.
Briefly explain the problem and reason for the interview.
Reconfirm the number of questions and amount of time.
Explain Informed Consent, Recording Permission, Confidentiality Statement
Informed consent is giving permission to engage in the interview with full knowledge of risks and/or disclosure of information discussed.
Informed Consent Received: Yes / No
Permission to record is acknowledged that the questions and answers will be recorded on video and in writing.
Permission to record or take notes received? Yes / No
Confidentiality Statement: All information will remain confidential and stored in a protected area.
Does the Interviewee wish to remain anonymous? Yes / No
Ask the questions and record the answers.
Thank the interviewee for their time.
Question 1: _________________________________________________________________________
Question 2: _________________________________________________________________________
Question 3: _________________________________________________________________________
Question 4: _________________________________________________________________________
Question 5: _________________________________________________________________________
Question 6: _________________________________________________________________________
Question 7: _________________________________________________________________________
Question 8: _________________________________________________________________________
Question 9: _________________________________________________________________________
Question 10: ________________________________________________________________________