Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In Week 10, you will continue to develop your Literature Review Assignment - Writeden

To Prepare

· Review the Literature Review Assignment resources located in this week’s Learning Resources. Pay special attention to Chapters 19, 20, and 21 of the White et al. text; Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 11 of the Dang et al. text; and the articles addressing the PICOT format. Note: Be sure to review Appendices B, E, F, G, and H in the Dang et al. text. You will be required to complete and submit Appendices B, G, and H for this Assignment.

· Select an organization with which you are familiar and a practice or organization issue which needs addressing. Note: You may reuse organizations and/or issues that you selected earlier in this course or select new ones.

· Consider possible practice questions to address the issue you selected. Ask yourself:

· Why is it a problem?

· What has been done about it?

· What is the gap in practice?

· Select one practice question to develop using Appendix B. Note: The PICOT components will assist you in identifying search terms. Make sure your practice question is evidence-based, nursing focused, and has measurable outcomes.

· Using the Walden Library, search the evidence to identify 15 or more recent peer-reviewed articles (within the past 5 years) related to your practice question. Note: Use Appendices E and F to help you search, but you do not need to submit these for grading.

· Using Appendix H, grade the evidence and select the 10 articles with the strongest evidence ratings. Note: if you have more than 10 articles that you deem worthy, you can enter up to 15 into Appendix H.

· Using Appendix H, synthesize the 10 articles you selected.

· Using Appendix G, enter all relevant information about the 10 articles you selected and synthesized.

Note: This is a three-part Assignment. By Day 7 of Week 10, you must complete and submit Appendices B, G, and H found in the Dang text.

The Assignment

For this three-part Assignment, you will submit three items as follows:

Part 1: Submit your completed Appendix B, which demonstrates your fully developed practice question.

Part 2: Submit your completed Appendix H, which demonstrates your grading and synthesizing of the evidence you identified. Note: You will complete Appendix H before Appendix G, despite being out of order alphabetically.

Part 3: Submit your completed Appendix G, which lists the relevant information about the evidence you selected.

By Day 7 of Week 10

Submit your completed Part 1: Appendix B; Part 2: Appendix H; and Part 3: Appendix G of your Assignment.