Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Many students struggle with selecting appropriate subtopics and will select subtopics that do not directly align with the essay topic. I want to provide you with guidance so you have clear d - Writeden

Essay Subtopics! (Please Choose)
Hello Class-
This week you are going to choose from one of the six topic choices on the week 1 worksheet assignment. In addition, in part 4 of the worksheet, you will have to name three subtopics that align with the essay topic you selected. Please remember subtopics in an expository essay help explain the essay topic!
Many students struggle with selecting appropriate subtopics and will select subtopics that do not directly align with the essay topic. I want to provide you with guidance so you have clear direction as you research the essay topic in part 6 of this week’s assignment.
In order to earn credit for your response, please include the essay topic you selected and list the three subtopics you will include on the week one assignment.
Below are the essay topics and under each one are possible subtopics.
Three services Veterans need to successfully return to civilian life:
Finding employment
Continued Education
Adequate health insurance
Mental health Support due to depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder
Three characteristics of good leaders:
Effective decision-maker
Effective Communicatorthis involves speaking and listening.
Leads by example
Effective team builder
Ability to delegate
Respect towards others and respected–these both fall under respect
Learning agility–this is the ability to learn quickly
Three ways bullying can negatively impact children:
Mental Health Issues: such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, agoraphobia, eating disorders, etc.
Social Isolation: Children struggle to interact with peers and tend to shut down and not play at recess, sit alone at lunch, do not go or get invited to friend’s birthday parties
Physical Ailments: such as stomachache, headache, exhaustion, sleep disorders
Academic Struggles or School Attendance: children may have difficulty focusing or engaging in learning activities and not progress. Students may also miss school or older children may ditch school which causes a lack of progress
Oppositional Behavior: children may act out at school or at home due to internal frustration. There may be aggressive behavior towards siblings or peers. Some students have even retaliated against schools due to on-going bullying
Self-Harm: This can include self-mutilating, suicide attempts, and suicide
Three ways technology can impact communication:
Changes in Media – The rapid development and adoption of new technology have changed the face of communication through traditional media.
Changes in Marketing – The technology revolution has dramatically altered marketing as well. Companies can no longer rely on traditional advertising to generate revenue. This trend has resulted in a number of developments in marketing communication:
Public Relations in a Digital World – Social media has made public relations (PR) more challenging, but it has also broadened an organization’s accessibility.
Devices for Communication Technology – The growing abundance of technological devices means that virtually every person in the company has a computer at home and a mobile phone in their pockets. It is also commonplace for employees to bring their mobile devices to work or to conduct work off of them from their homes.
Communication in the Workplace – The accessibility that non-technical professionals have to devices and applications raises a question regarding how businesses practice organizational communication outside their walls.
Three issues found in a large classroom:
Teachers burnout- This occurs because teachers have so many students and have to meet their needs and this is exhausting and teachers may not feel effective
Classroom management issues- When there are so many students, behavioral issues can occur frequently as compared to classrooms with fewer students
Lower learning outcomes- Due to the class size teachers cannot work with students one-on-one and students may struggle
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Goals may not be met- Special education students have specific goals on an IEP. Federal laws protect students who have an IEP, but if there are too many students, the special education students may not receive the support needed in the general education classroom.
A lack of resources – not enough desks, textbooks, manipulative, etc.
A lack of teacher-student interaction
Three services the Christian church can provide the community:
Help the homeless
Create or support a women’s shelter
Community Clean-Up
Host conferences or special events that meet community needs
Create events for children and youth
Nursing home visits and support
Provide counseling
to be answered in first-person point of view. PLEASE!!!