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Module 3: Models of Disability Video Analysis

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Please see attached document for assignment and instructions. It has been uploaded here in two different formats (Word and PDF). The first video analysis has been completed in the document to provide you with an example of what to do.  

Models of Disability Video Analysis Assignment (Word)

Models of Disability Video Analysis Assignment (PDF)

Due on Mar 9, 2025 11:59 PMAttachmentsModels of Disability Video Analysis Assignment … (16.97 KB)Models of Disability Video Analysis Assignment … (167.38 KB)

Module 3: M

Analytic Paper Rubric (10 Points) Course: SPE-506-0


Overall Score

Criteria Missing – 0 Unsatisfactory – 1 Basic – 1.75 Proficient – 2.5

Describes Analytic


Applies Analytic


Reflects on implications of

the Analysis

Writing Quality

0 points

This element is missing.

1 point

Names key components of

the analytic framework, but

does not describe them.

1.75 points

Describes some of the key

components of the analytic

framework but either leaves

some out or description is not

sufficiently developed.

2.5 points

Provides a comprehensive

description of all of the

components of the analytic


0 points

This element is missing.

1 point

Application of analytic

framework is incorrect or


1.75 points

Application of analytic

framework is mostly correct

but not sufficiently developed

2.5 points

Comprehensive application of

the analytic framework.

0 points

This element is missing.

1 point

Reflection on the analysis is

minimal and/or lacks

connections to real world


1.75 points

Reflection on the analysis

provides some connections to

real world contexts, but is not

sufficiently developed.

2.5 points

Reflection on the analysis is

well developed and includes

thoughtful connections to

real world contexts.

0 points


1 point

Writing is unclear due to

grammatical errors and/or

confusing organization.

1.75 points

Writing is clear, but has some

grammatical errors and/or is

somewhat disorganized.

2.5 points

Writing is clear and well

organized with few or no

grammatical errors.

Level 1 0 points minimum

Level 2 5 points minimum

Level 3 8 points minimum

Level 4 11 points minimum

Chalamar Rodgers

Chalamar Rodgers


Disability Assumptions Analysis : After reading the “Expanded Models of Disability” document, please respond to the following questions related to each video/webpage.

This first video response has been completed to provide an example.

Watch: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Retrieved from

1. Write a short (3-5 sentence) summary of the main points of the video/webpage.

The video provided an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder and explained how individuals truly do fall on a spectrum. According to Dr. Horowitz, some common characteristics of people with autism include difficulty with social interaction, communication, and behavior. These difficulties might manifest as a delay in verbal communication, an inability to pick up on sarcasm and humor, struggling to understand others' feelings, and a need for a consistent routine. Additionally, Dr. Horowitz noted that people on the autism spectrum can have a wide range of intellectual abilities, ranging from low IQ to being gifted intellectually.

2. Whose perspective is and is not represented in the video/webpage?

The video appeared to be coming from a professional medical and/or psychological perspective: a professional “authority.” It did not appear that the perspective of people with disabilities or the parents, guardians, or caregivers of people with disabilities were included.

3. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) that addresses the following: What models of disability do you see represented in the video/webpage? (often, more than more than one). How much does this depiction agree/disagree with the description of those models in the “Expanded Models of Disability” document (make specific connections to the document in your response)?

The video presents a very strong example of the Medical Model of disability. Dr. Horowitz is describing, in some detail, the type of characteristics seen in people with ASD. He breaks the characteristics into three categories and then enumerates these characteristics in some detail. It focused on deficits a person with autism may have and how they compared to typically developing people. He does not give examples from the point of view of the person with ASD, he just describes the physical limitations of people with ASD. (Models of disability: Key to perspective). This video is also, to a lesser degree, an example of the expert/professional model. The reading describes the expert/professional model as, “Within its framework, professionals follow a process of identifying the impairment and its limitations (using the Medical Model), and taking the necessary action to improve the position of the disabled person” which is a fair descriptor of most, but not all, of the video’s content. Arguably, the expert/professional model could be a secondary model here (the primary being the medical model).

Watch: Autism Every Day. Retrieved from

1. Write a short (3-5 sentence) summary of the main points of the video/webpage.

2. Whose perspective is and is not represented in the video/webpage?

3. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) that addresses the following: What models of disability do you see represented in the video/webpage? (often, more than more than one). How much does this depiction agree/disagree with the description of those models in the “Expanded Models of Disability” document (make specific connections to the document in your response)?

Watch: Silentmiaow. (2006). Rreply to Autism Speaks and GRASP Articles of Understanding. Retrieved from & Watch: Silentmiaow. (2007). In My Language. Retrieved from

1. Write a short (3-5 sentence) summary of the main points of the video/webpage.

2. Whose perspective is and is not represented in the video/webpage?

3. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) that addresses the following: What models of disability do you see represented in the video/webpage? (often, more than more than one). How much does this depiction agree/disagree with the description of those models in the “Expanded Models of Disability” document (make specific connections to the document in your response)?

Watch: Organization for Autism Research. (2013). Understanding Autism: A Guide for Secondary School Teachers (Part 1). Retrieved from

1. Write a short (3-5 sentence) summary of the main points of the video/webpage.

2. Whose perspective is and is not represented in the video/webpage?

3. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) that addresses the following: What models of disability do you see represented in the video/webpage? (often, more than more than one). How much does this depiction agree/disagree with the description of those models in the “Expanded Models of Disability” document (make specific connections to the document in your response)?

Watch: Autism Aging Out. (Watch first 6 or 7 minutes.) Retrieved from

1. Write a short (3-5 sentence) summary of the main points of the video/webpage.

2. Whose perspective is and is not represented in the video/webpage?

3. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) that addresses the following: What models of disability do you see represented in the video/webpage? (often, more than more than one). How much does this depiction agree/disagree with the description of those models in the “Expanded Models of Disability” document (make specific connections to the document in your response)?

Watch: I'm an autistic Christian. (Watch first 6 or 7 minutes.) Retrieved from

1. Write a short (3-5 sentence) summary of the main points of the video/webpage.

2. Whose perspective is and is not represented in the video/webpage?

3. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) that addresses the following: What models of disability do you see represented in the video/webpage? (often, more than more than one). How much does this depiction agree/disagree with the description of those models in the “Expanded Models of Disability” document (make specific connections to the document in your response)?