Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Please do some research at the this World Bank Website ( about interest rates around the world and also at this IMF website ( about inflation rates around the world and then answer the following questions with at least to sentences each. Please remember that this need to be in your own words. Effort matters. - Writeden


This project is designed for students to learn more about interest rates and inflation rates around the world. Many central banks have been raising rates to try to fight inflation with varying degrees of success.


Please do some research at the this World Bank Website ( about interest rates around the world and also at this IMF website ( about inflation rates around the world and then answer the following questions with at least to sentences each. Please remember that this need to be in your own words. Effort matters.


Pick two countries and look at their respective interest rates and inflations rates…what are they and which is higher?


Why did you select these countries? What is something interesting you can find online about these countries? Do you think these rates will go up or down in the future?


How do these countries’ interest rates and inflation rates compare to the US? Does this surprise you? Why or why not?