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The scope of my research is Agile Project Management.

First you need to identify a good topic for your dissertation.Then follow the requirements in my attachment to complete Research Proposal. 【about 1500 words in 3 pages: 1.5x line spacing,  11 pt text】


MSc Management of Projects (MoP) Group of Programmes 2022/23

PROJECT MANAGEMENT RESEARCH METHODS Dissertation Research Proposal (30% Unit)

Coursework Aim

The purpose of “PMRM coursework B” is to assess each student’s ability to:

 Apply the findings from reading the academic literature to a student’s own project area;

 Create and communicate an outline research proposal based on the allocated dissertation project topic. Through reading a wide range of academic papers to support their preparation of the PMRM coursework, students are expected to develop an understanding of the literature related to their allocated dissertation topic.

Coursework Overview

Coursework B must be based on your allocated dissertation topic area. You will be informed of your dissertation topic early in Semester 2 and allocated a dissertation supervisor before the end of Semester 2. The dissertation research proposal that is developed must clearly lie within the area of project management/ management of project studies. In Coursework B, you are required to create a 3 page outline research proposal for your dissertation project, based on your allocated topic area. At this stage, the final focus of your dissertation may not be fully developed, so your proposal may still be quite broad. It is expected that your research plan will become more focused when you start the full-time dissertation phase in Semester 3, after your Semester 2 exams. Your final plan for your dissertation project may well change in early Semester 3, based on the feedback that you receive about this proposal and also your further research.

Coursework Structure

The following sections, plus reference list, must be included in your dissertation project proposal. References should be used where appropriate (i.e. citing the sources from where the information originated) and must be included in the reference list page at the end of your coursework.

1. Dissertation Project Title: you must devise a project title within the general topic you have been allocated. The

title should communicate a sufficiently specific scope that the reader can understand exactly which aspect of the topic you intend to investigate. This is a draft (working) title and may change in Semester 3, after coursework B submission. Your dissertation project title should NOT be the allocated topic area.

2. Introductory Literature Review: This is a summary, using referenced sources and applying critical thinking, explaining the background and context of your dissertation topic area. This section should outline the area you are proposing to investigate in your dissertation, using your knowledge of the academic literature. You may cite sources that you have already referred to in Coursework A, but do not use any identical passages of text from Coursework A as that will be identified as self-plagiarism (academic malpractice).

3. Project Aim: In one or two sentences, this is a statement of the overall purpose of your dissertation project – describing your project’s main focus or what you are trying to achieve.

4. List of Objectives: The objectives should be in the form of a list of 3 to 5 points. These can be specific research questions that you plan to address or targets that you intend to achieve in order to satisfy your overall project aim. Normally, each objective is addressed in a separate chapter of your dissertation and at the end of your dissertation project you must be able to evaluate how well each separate objective has been achieved.

5. Project Relevance/Impact: You must justify your proposed dissertation project’s importance, its relevance to project management/ management of projects and potential significance or impact (e.g. to industry or academia). You should explain the usefulness of your project and suggest who might benefit from this research


in the future, and what those benefits might be. This must be a project with a purpose and you should be able to explain clearly what that purpose is and why it matters (to project studies/ project management).

6. Outline Research Methodology/ Project Plan: This section describes and justifies the type of project you intend to conduct and explains, for example, whether your dissertation will use only published literature (secondary data) or will also involve gathering empirical data (primary research). You must describe and justify your chosen research approach and proposed methodology. You should consider appropriate time planning and refer to a Gantt chart showing the activities/ tasks associated with your dissertation, with a realistic timescale. (See pt. 9 below).

7. Reflections on application of Coursework A findings and other preparatory reading: In this section, explain how your initial background reading and analysis from Coursework A influenced your plans for your dissertation. This could include describing how papers you have read influenced your choice of methodological approach or the specific focus of your dissertation. [This section may be written in the first person voice]8. Reference List of sources cited: You must use the standard Harvard style of referencing. The reference list is not included in the page limit for the PMRM Coursework B assignment.

9. Appendix A – PROJECT GANTT CHART (see section 6). You should use a separate page to present your Gantt

Chart. Appendix A is not included in the page limit for the PMRM Coursework B assignment. No other Appendices may be included in your Coursework B report.

Coursework Instructions on Presentation and Formatting The coursework must be presented, structured and written following these instructions. Text must be written in formal academic English using 11 pt text. The first person voice may only be used in section 7. Avoid large blocks of text. Divide content into separate paragraphs and use subheadings. A good standard of written English is particularly important in this coursework, as you will only be awarded marks if your assessor can clearly understand the points that you are making. Any direct quotes must be enclosed in “ ” marks and other content that you use from your source papers must be written entirely in your own words. Any material that is pasted directly from source papers and is not enclosed in “ ” marks will be penalised as poor academic practice, even if the paragraph cites the source as a reference. If using direct quotations, please remember to include the page number where that quote was taken from.

Coursework Submission The submission must be made through the ENGM60050 Project Management Research Methods unit on Blackboard before the deadline date and time shown in the coursework header. Late submissions will receive a marks penalty, so you are strongly advised to submit early. The submission time recorded is when submission is completed, not when you click “submit”. Click on the Assessment tab and read the Turnitin Submission Instructions for more information. Complete the Turnitin Assignment Declaration to confirm this is your own work before you can upload your file.

Coursework B will be assessed by your Dissertation Project Supervisor

Your supervisor will provide support to you over the Dissertation period itself only. You may discuss your dissertation plans (i.e. PMRM B) with your supervisor prior to the start of the

Dissertation period but they are NOT permitted to help you write your coursework nor give you detailed feedback on written drafts of your research proposal.

Please either use the PMRM Discussion Board in Blackboard or speak to Jill at the end of PMRM

lectures if you have any questions about this coursework assignment.



Marking Criteria

1 2 3 4 5 6 Missing Poor Fail Fail Pass Merit Distinction Introductory (Literature Review) (30 Marks)

0 Marks (0%)

1- 11 Marks (1–39%)

12-14 Marks (40-49%)

15-17 Marks (50%-59%)

18-20 Marks (60-69%)

21-30 Marks (70- 100%)

Required Content  Project Title  Introductory Literature


Absent or doesn’t match the allocated topic.

Poor / extremely brief or superficial exploration of the topic area. Statements are based on assertions rather than citing referenced evidence.

Content shows some basic understanding of literature relating to the project, but lacks clarity or depth. May be based on assertions rather than citing referenced evidence. Sources chosen may not be robust/ reliable.

Content adds some value, demonstrating understanding of some of the literature relevant to the project. May be partly based on assertions rather than citing referenced evidence. May lack justification for choosing the project topic.

All content is relevant and is clearly explained, showing critical thinking and comparing sources to justify the specific project choice. May only partially explore the relevant literature, but most evidence is referenced, citing robust academic sources.

Content is clearly explained and concisely maps and analyses the literature relevant to the chosen project, justifying the specific planned research topic. Shows critical thinking and all evidence is fully referenced.

Aim, Objectives and Relevance (30 Marks)

0 Marks (0%)

1- 11 Marks (1–39%)

12-14 Marks (40-49%)

15-17 Marks (50%-59%)

18-20 Marks (60-69%)

21-30 Marks (70- 100%)

Required Content  Project Aim  List of Objectives  Project Relevance/

Impact  Potential benefits

(and beneficiaries)

Absent or doesn’t match the allocated topic.

Aim is not appropriate or objectives are not presented as a coherent list. Relevance and potential benefits are not explained. Key elements are missing or content is very superficial.

A few key elements may be missing. Description of project aim and objectives are vague or lack clarity. Minimal consideration of the relevance of the project and potential benefits.

Adequate project aim and an attempt at a coherent objectives list. Explanation of relevance and impact/ benefits may be fairly vague. All required content is included OR if some elements are missing, others are good quality.

Viable project aim and a coherent objectives list. All required elements are included. Includes some justification and a valid description of impact or relevance. Potential benefits and beneficiaries are identified.

Well written and realistic project aim and objectives list. All required elements are good quality. Convincing justification of significance and relevance of the planned research and potential benefits.

Methodology, Gantt Chart and Reflections (30 Marks)

0 Marks (0%)

1- 11 Marks (1–39%)

12-14 Marks (40-49%)

15-17 Marks (50%-59%)

18-20 Marks (60-69%)

21-30 Marks (70- 100%)

Required Content  Outline Research

Methodology/Plan  Gantt Chart  Reflections on

Coursework A and other preparatory reading

Absent or doesn’t match the allocated topic.

Description of project methodology/approach is extremely vague, is unclear or is far too brief and superficial. Minimal evidence of any planning. Gantt Chart missing. Reflections missing.

Superficial description of research methodology. Gantt chart may be missing. Poor or little reflection on how the project evolved.

All required content is included OR if some elements are missing, others are good quality. Description of research method is given but would benefit from more detail/clarity. Gantt chart shows key milestones. Some generic reflections on the impact of wider reading.

Description of research methodology is complete and coherent, but may be limited or unrealistic (e.g. too ambitious or broad). Gantt chart shows key milestones Some meaningful discussion of the influence of background reading on project planning.

Full and clear explanation and justification of a viable project plan. Excellent summary of the plan in a Gantt chart, with thought given to varied activities and milestones. Insightful explanation of how the background reading influenced project planning.

Quality of Writing and Referencing (10 Marks)

0 Marks (0%)

1 – 3 Marks (1–39%)

4 Marks (40-49%)

5 Marks (50%-59%)

6 Marks (60-69%)

7-10 Marks (70- 100%)

 Harvard Style Referencing

 Academic English

Incomprehensible. No citations or referencing.

Content is incoherent or very unclear. Poor quality writing – difficult to comprehend. Poor or absent referencing.

Partly coherent but lacks clarity. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, structure, formatting or referencing. Includes some poor paraphrasing or pasted in sentences.

Mostly coherent. May lack clarity occasionally. Minor errors in spelling, grammar, structure, formatting or referencing, but adequate. May be missing a few citations. Very few instances of poor paraphrasing.

Good use of academic language. Generally good spelling, grammar, structure, formatting and referencing is correct and consistent. No instances of poor paraphrasing.

Excellent standard of academic writing. Spelling, grammar, structure and formatting are all accurate. No pasted in content or poor paraphrasing. Referencing is accurate, consistent and complete.