Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Select an appropriate piece of art to represent each of this week’s civilizations - Writeden

In this assignment, you will construct a timeline, placing the cultures covered in this week’s reading in the appropriate place on a chronological timeline and global map. Instructions: You will use the Timeline template throughout the course. You will submit your progress at the end of each unit. There are several steps to completing this assignment:

• Select an appropriate piece of art to represent each of this week’s civilizations. • Place images representing Baroque in Italy and Spain and Baroque in Northern

Europe art in the appropriate places on the timeline and add corresponding dates for each culture.

• On the slide devoted to each culture: o Drag the star to the corresponding part of the world map. o Provide three sentences in your own words describing three ‘big-picture’

ideas, or significant traits of Baroque in Italy and Spain and Baroque in Northern Europe art.


• Use the Timeline template. • Choose an appropriate picture that represents Baroque in Italy and Spain and

Baroque in Northern Europe art. • Write three complete sentences in your own words describing three ‘big-picture’

ideas of Baroque in Italy and Spain and Baroque in Northern Europe art. Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

ART102–Art History II TimelineActivity

Evaluation Rubric for Timeline Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement

Proficient Exemplary

0 points 1 – 9 points 10 points Picture Depicting Cultures

No pictures were provided.

Inaccurate or inappropriate choice of pictures to represent cultures.

Accurate and appropriate choice of pictures to represent cultures.

Dates for the Cultures

Doesn’t move the stars or has the incorrect locations and has many errors for the dates on the timeline and slides specific for cultures.

Moves the stars to locations on the map and may have an error for the dates on the timeline and slides specific for cultures.

Moves the stars to the correct locations on the map and has accurate dates on the timeline and slides specific for cultures.

0 – 19 points 20 – 35 points 36 – 53 points 54 – 60 points Big-Picture Ideas/Traits

Doesn’t provide any big-picture ideas or provides inaccurate big- picture ideas/traits of the cultures.

Provides some accurate big- picture idea/trait that represents the cultures. May be missing key ideas/traits of the cultures.

Provides almost all accurate big- picture ideas/traits that represent the cultures. May be missing key ideas/traits of the cultures.

Provides all necessary accurate and well-written big-picture ideas/traits that represent the cultures.

0 points 5 points 10 points Written Length

Doesn’t have any writing on the slides.

More or less than three sentences or incomplete sentences per culture.

Writes three sentences per culture.

0 – 5 points 6 – 7 points 8 – 9 points 10 points Clear and Professional Writing

Errors impede professional presentation.

Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Writing and format are clear, professional, and error-free.

Evaluation Rubric for Timeline Assignment