Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Successful businessman whose family paid for his college education through Hedge Fund Investments. Growing up, he was the oldest of four boys, and worked relentlessly to please his parents. - Writeden

John Miller (37) father/husband
Successful businessman whose family paid for his college education through Hedge Fund Investments. Growing up, he was the oldest of four boys, and worked relentlessly to please his parents. He was an all-star baseball player who was drafted into the Minor League and played one season before meeting Angelina during a tournament in the Dominican Republic. After three months dating, Angelina became pregnant and John proposed. He moved to his new wife’s country, as he loved the culture their and wanted to grant his wife’s wish to stay close to her family. He was disowned by his own family for “marrying down” and marrying an “alien” who only wants to be with him for his green card. John works for an international lending company and spends 70-80 hours at work each week. He and Angelina have had several “rocky patches” and he likes to hit the gym when that starts. He has one good friend in the town they live, who has a well-known struggle with alcohol. Even though his wife doesn’t like John hanging out with this friend, he does it anyways because he needs to have time to himself too and he likes to drink with friends. He’s tired of coming home to constant nagging and he is afraid his anger will get the best of him dealing with his teenager’s newfound attitudes. But he knows he is a good man because he doesn’t abuse his kids or wife like his wife’s great grandfather.

Holly Rosaline (16) daughter
Following in her father’s footsteps, Holly wants to be a successful softball athlete. She works hard at school and earns all A’s; she will even stay up all night the night before exams to crash study. During the times she does this, she tends to “stay up” for several days and enjoys the extra energy and focus she has as it is what she knows keeps her as an A student. Holly dreams of moving to New York and attend NYU upon graduation; living in a big city and being around people who are more open and tolerant is all she is focused on right now. Although John and Angelina do not know, she has reached out to John’s parents and has forged a relationship with them under the promise not to tell her parents. Holly’s two best friends are lesbians, and she identifies as bisexual. However, she has to hide this from her parents and grandparents as she fears they will disown her. Particularly, since her cousin Juan has come out, she’s overheard conversations between her parents that they are only supportive of Juan because he’s “not really” their child so it can’t be in their genes. Holly also experiences days where she is sad for no reason. Her parents often get angry with her during these days because she can’t explain why. So now when those days happen, she often sleeps over at her friend’s house and has started smoking weed and sometimes taking pills to “take the edge off.” At least then she doesn’t argue with her dad.

Henry Luis (30) brother of Angelina and Nina
Henry hates John but puts up with him for his sister. While the family doesn’t like to talk about it, he and John got into a physical altercation when Angelina first announced her pregnancy as John initially wanted her to get an abortion. Henry still sees John as a selfish blanquito, the filth! Henry has found his niece out several times hanging in the wrong place at the wrong time but he hasn’t said anything about it. He remembers what it was like to be considered to be the “bad sheep” as a teenager and he wants to protect his nieces and nephews, since their own parents’ won’t. Henry really loves his family, but just can’t stand the drama— he is above it! He knows his family needs his help, and really couldn’t make it without his support. He is a serial dater, as none of the women he dates seem to make the cut. He expects them to be like him, professional and successful, physically fit, kind, smart, and just top notch all around. He doesn’t understand why his family never seems to acknowledge all that he does for them or how successful and powerful he has become in his own career. He struggles to apologize after getting into arguments with his family, but why should he? He is always right anyways!

Geraldine Garcia (50): Maternal Grandmother
As the family secret keeper, Geraldine is the glue of her family.
They don’t even know her secret, which is that her maternal grandfather abused her and got her pregnant when she was 14 years old, right after her own father died.
Her grandfather made her get an abortion and she never has told a soul.
Geraldine also blames her grandfather for her mother’s stroke, he repeatedly hit her in the head as a child.
As a teenager, Geraldine did anything she could to get out of her home after her father’s death and the abortion.
Although she and her mother were very close, she became very upset when her mother decided to make them move following her father’s passing.
Shortly after the move, she met Alejandro when she was 15 and got pregnant at 16.
They were married shortly after, and both worked two jobs just to make ends meet. Even though the house needs significant repairs and Alejandro just can’t keep up with it, she refuses to leave the home they live in.
She has lived there since they were married and refuses to move until she dies.

Juan Chavez (13): Nephew in Kinship Care
He has come out to the Miller-Garcia family as gay and even though he sometimes wishes he was born a girl; he hasn’t talked to anyone about that yet.
His teacher at school has reported she thinks he has ADHD and is demanding that Angelina and John have him tested, since they are his current legal guardians.
He struggles to stay focused at school and has trouble staying seated a lot.
He has “two speeds” per her report, and that includes incessantly asking her questions or being totally withdrawn in himself and “daydreamy.”
He has had several occasions where he has had an “outburst” at school although no one knows why, including Juan.
Although he witnessed domestic violence as a young child, he was never harmed during these incidents.

Enrique Henry (“Henry”) (14): Son
Although he loves school, Henry struggles to make B and C grades and constantly compares himself to his sister.
Even though his father doesn’t pressure him, Henry knows that he is expected to become the patriarch one day and care for his family.
As hard as he tries, he never feels good enough, and often sneaks food into his bedroom at night as eating helps him feel better.
He used to be the light of his grandmother’s eye until his cousin Juan moved in.
Even though he sees Juan as his little brother, he just doesn’t want him hanging around anymore.
Henry doesn’t like to hang out with his friends anymore after school because he’s so tired when he comes home, he just wants to eat dinner and sleep. He loves to hang with his sister Holly, but Holly doesn’t seem to like being home much anymore.
Genogram. Here are the other family members: Alondra, Angelina, Nina, Johnny, and Jerica.