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Research topic: “The Impact of Teletherapy on Access to Mental Health Services Among Vulnerable Populations.”

Review the Course Outcomes for this assignment, which are listed above.

Using the topic, you have selected for use this term, locate 6 empirical articles. These articles MAY NOT be evaluations of interventions. If your article is about an intervention, you WILL NOT receive credit for that article. You will probably be using these six articles for Assignment 2 and Assignment 3.

For each article respond to the following points (each article needs to be addressed separately):

Name of article (in APA format)

How do you know that this article is empirical? (don’t just say “Because it has methods and results section”)

What was the study’s aim/objective/research question?

How many participants were included in the study?

How does this article relate to your topic of interest? (don’t just say “Because it has the topic in the title”)

How do the findings from the article relate to your social problem?

How do the findings inform social work practice?

Requirements: 3-4 page

Developing an Annotated Bibliography



The purpose of this first assignment is to provide the opportunity to solidify the research topic that you have selected for the class. You will be identifying relevant empirical research articles and how these articles may support the development of your literature review and research plan.

Course Outcomes

This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Differentiate between scholarly and non-scholarly articles.

CO 3: Describe and examine the scientific method.

Total Points Possible

This assignment is wroth 100 points. 

Requirements and Guidelines

Review the Course Outcomes for this assignment, which are listed above.

Using the topic, you have selected for use this term, locate 6 empirical articles. These articles MAY NOT be evaluations of interventions. If your article is about an intervention, you WILL NOT receive credit for that article. You will probably be using these six articles for Assignment 2 and Assignment 3.

For each article respond to the following points (each article needs to be addressed separately):

Name of article (in APA format)

How do you know that this article is empirical? (don’t just say “Because it has methods and results section”)

What was the study’s aim/objective/research question?

How many participants were included in the study?

How does this article relate to your topic of interest? (don’t just say “Because it has the topic in the title”)

How do the findings from the article relate to your social problem?

How do the findings inform social work practice?

Tips for Developing an Empirical Article List

APA recognizes a list of articles with a summary as an Annotated Bibliography. This means that you will list the formal reference for each of your chosen articles, followed by a brief annotation. An annotation is a short paragraph about the conclusions and importance of the article to your topic and to the field of social work. 

Steps to Creating an Annotated Bibliography

Find sources related to your topic (check with your instructor to confirm which types of sources are acceptable for the assignment)

Critically read and evaluate the sources.

Create the proper APA citation for each source.

Below the citation write your annotation or paraphrased summary of the article.

Grading Criteria

Your paper will be graded based on following criteria:


Organization and Coherence of Ideas


Style and Mechanics

Page Length Requirements

Detailed grading rubric can be found below.

 **Academic Integrity Reminder**

All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.