The interesting thing about this play is how two women empathized with the true murderer, Mrs. Wright. All the men seemed to be criticizing the women and looking down on them, saying that they should be good housekeepers among all other things. The settling captured my attention, as with all murders and rime scene investigation. Mrs. Hale stood out to me the most, having understood the situation Mrs. Wright was in and low-key defending her when she was not around. She looked at the bigger picture, compared how Mrs. Wright was in the past versus how she is now in the present. Dull. Lifeless. Empty. She regretted not visiting often, not having been a good friend. She said, “But I tell you what I do wish, Mrs. Peters. I wish I had come over sometimes when she was here. I wish I had.” She regretted not having been there for Mrs. Wright to console her for not having children, fot not having a “cheerful” house. The finding of the bird cage and piecing the murder together upon finding the dead canary was thriling. The ladies finally found the motive for the crime, but they covered it up. In the end, i think, it was her regret and empathy for the life Mrs. Wright ended up that pushed her to cover for the murder.
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