The literature review is an opportunity for you to accomplish two main objectives: establish a theoretical framework for your program evaluation and survey current literature to determine the best methodology and approach for your program evaluation. Prior to implementing a program evaluation, it is essential to review current scholarly literature to ensure that your approach to addressing your problem statement is sound and supported by research. You may need to alter your methodology or approach following the literature review.
By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following competency and specialized behaviors:
- Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
- C4.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, ethical use of technology and research findings to inform and improve practice, policy, and programs in the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
- Related Assignment Criteria:
- 4. Create a selective summary of empirical literature.
- 2. Assess the guiding practice theory base connected to the described problem.
- 1. Analyze the problem presented in the case study.
- Related Assignment Criteria:
- C4.SP.B: Analyze and respond to ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice that address inherent biases for use in quantitative and qualitative research methods.
- Related Assignment Criteria:
- 3: Describe the program evaluation theory base connected to the proposed methodology.
- 5: Develop a problem statement and guiding research question for the program evaluation.
- Related Assignment Criteria:
- C4.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, ethical use of technology and research findings to inform and improve practice, policy, and programs in the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
Assignment Description
Your literature review creates a theoretical foundation for your evaluation and guides the development of the research question. As you research, be sure to consider multiple perspectives and theories, rather than simply viewing your program evaluation through one lens. This ensures that you find the most reliable and accurate methodologies and theories to support your program evaluation.
Prior to beginning your literature review, you will conduct a review of scholarly and peer-reviewed research from a variety of sources. You may use the Capella University LibraryLinks to an external site. and government websites as locations to begin research for your literature review. If you need help using the library, review the Social Work Masters Program (MSW) Library GuideLinks to an external site..
Assignment Instructions
Utilize at least five empirical articles published within the last 10 years in peer-reviewed journals. These articles should be program evaluations dealing with interventions for teen parents. (See the Teen Parenting Case Study [PDF].) Organize the information into subheadings. The order of your literature review follows:
- Introduction: Orient the reader to the case study topic—teen parenting programs—and tell the reader what to expect in this section by identifying the major subsections that follow in your thesis statement.
- Nature of the problem: Address the prevalence of teen parenting, changes over time, and consequences of teen parenting.
- Causes of the problem: Apply theoretical and social work knowledge to this issue and explain some of the risks associated with teen parenting (for example, mental health outcomes for the parent and abusive parenting practices). The causes you describe here should be directly related to the proposed interventions.
- Interventions: This section should be the most substantive part of this literature review. Review interventions that have been utilized to serve teen parents. Note that this is a literature review, not an annotated bibliography, so you should be integrating your discussion of various studies. Include a paragraph about what is not known about solving the problem and current gaps in knowledge. Assess the guiding practice theory connected to the problem. Also, describe the program evaluation theory connected to the proposed methodology.
- Summary: This section should point out the major areas of knowledge that have yet to be developed regarding this topic and identify the unique contributions your study makes to this need; point out the importance of learning the new information your study will offer.
Problem Statement and Guiding Research Questions
What is the problem this program evaluation is trying to address?
Include your research questions. Since this is a program evaluation, you should have an independent variable and dependent variable clearly stated in your questions.
Additional Resources
For more information on a literature review, see Past Webinar RecordingsLinks to an external site. on writing a literature review.
Literature Review Guides and Tutorials
- How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles?Links to an external site. Describes the peer review process and how to find peer-reviewed articles in the databases.
- Library Research and Information Literacy SkillsLinks to an external site. (LibRAILS) tutorial. Individual elements are linked below.
- Improve Your TopicLinks to an external site.: Helps learners think about their topic and narrow it down.
- Choosing a Good Search TopicLinks to an external site.: Click through tutorial that covers some of the same information as the above page.
- Find Scholarly and Peer Reviewed SourcesLinks to an external site.: Page in LibRAILS. The above-linked guide “How Do I Find Peer Reviewed Articles?” includes some of the same information, but this webpage is more comprehensive.
- What Is Scholarly?Links to an external site.: Page from LibRAILS: Find Scholarly and Peer Reviewed Sources section.
- Get Critical Search SkillsLinks to an external site.: LibRAILS page about searching effectively.
- Think Critically About Source QualityLinks to an external site.: LibRAILS page about appraising sources.
- Anatomy of a Scholarly ArticleLinks to an external site.: Media piece about understanding the structure of scholarly articles. Created through collaboration of Library and Media Teams.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. Use Academic WriterLinks to an external site. for guidance in citing sources in proper APA style. See the Writing CenterLinks to an external site. for more APA resources specific to your degree level.
- Cited resources: A minimum of five scholarly sources. All literature cited should be within 10 years of publication.
- Length of paper: 6–7 double-spaced pages.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
- Due date: Submit your assignment no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of this week.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:
- Competency 1: Apply leadership skills, ethical use of technology and research findings to inform and improve practice, policy, and programs in the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings. (C4.SP.A)
- Analyze the problem presented in the case study. (C4.SP.A)
- Assess the guiding practice theory base connected to the described problem. (C4.SP.A)
- Create a selective summary of empirical literature. (C4.SP.A)
- Competency 2: Analyze and respond to ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice that address inherent biases for use in quantitative and qualitative research methods. (C4.SP.B)
- Describe the program evaluation design connected to the proposed methodology. (C4.SP.B)
- Develop a problem statement and guiding research question for the program evaluation. (C4.SP.B)
- Competency 3: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
- Express ideas clearly, employing correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
- Use proper APA style to cite and reference sources.
View RubricResearch Literature ReviewResearch Literature ReviewCriteriaRatingsPtsAnalyze the problem presented in the case study. (C4.SP.A)16 to >13.6 ptsDISTINGUISHEDAnalyzes the problem presented in the case study with critical thought and clear examples integrated throughout the analysis.13.6 to >11.2 ptsPROFICIENTAnalyzes the problem presented in the case study.11.2 to >0 ptsBASICDiscusses the problem presented in the case study.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not discuss the problem presented in the case study./ 16 ptsAssess the guiding practice theory base connected to the described problem. (C4.SP.A)16 to >13.6 ptsDISTINGUISHEDAssesses the guiding practice theory base connected to the described problem and provides justification of why theory base is the best fit.13.6 to >11.2 ptsPROFICIENTAssesses the guiding practice theory base connected to the described problem.11.2 to >0 ptsBASICDescribes the guiding practice theory base connected to the described problem.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not describe the guiding practice theory base connected to the described problem./ 16 ptsDescribe the program evaluation design connected to the proposed methodology. (C4.SP.B)16 to >13.6 ptsDISTINGUISHEDDescribes the program evaluation design connected to the proposed methodology with clear connections of the theory and methodology.13.6 to >11.2 ptsPROFICIENTDescribes the program evaluation design connected to the proposed methodology.11.2 to >0 ptsBASICDescribes the program evaluation design, but it is not clearly connected to the proposed methodology.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not describe the program evaluation design connected to the proposed methodology./ 16 ptsCreate a selective summary of empirical literature. (C4.SP.A)16 to >13.6 ptsDISTINGUISHEDCreates a selective summary of empirical literature with clear examples from the literature.13.6 to >11.2 ptsPROFICIENTCreates a selective summary of empirical literature.11.2 to >0 ptsBASICLists types of empirical literature.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not create a selective summary of empirical literature./ 16 ptsDevelop a problem statement and guiding research question for the program evaluation. (C4.SP.B)16 to >13.6 ptsDISTINGUISHEDDevelops a research problem statement and guiding research questions that applies evidence to support the selection of the problem statement.13.6 to >11.2 ptsPROFICIENTDevelops a problem statement and guiding research question for the program evaluation.11.2 to >0 ptsBASICDevelops an incomplete research problem statement and guiding research questions.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not develop a research problem statement and guiding research questions./ 16 ptsExpress ideas clearly, employing correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.10 to >8.5 ptsDISTINGUISHEDExpresses ideas clearly, employing correct grammar, usage, and mechanics in an outstanding and consistent manner.8.5 to >7 ptsPROFICIENTExpresses ideas clearly, employing correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.7 to >0 ptsBASICUses proper grammar, usage, and mechanics, but not in a consistent manner.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not use proper grammar, usage, and mechanics./ 10 ptsUse proper APA style to cite and reference sources.10 to >8.5 ptsDISTINGUISHEDUses proper APA style to cite and reference sources in an outstanding and consistent manner.8.5 to >7 ptsPROFICIENTUses proper APA style to cite and reference sources.7 to >0 ptsBASICUses proper APA style to cite and reference sources, but not in a consistent manner.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not use proper APA style to cite and reference sources./ 10 pts
Teen Parenting Case Study Your agency is providing eight-week parenting classes for teen parents in an urban environment. Services are open to both teen mothers and teen fathers, and their children can be any age. You get referrals from local schools, hospitals, social service agencies, and the Department of Children and Family Services. The interventions of the program include a weekly parenting class, dealing with topics such as child development, effective communication with children, stress management, and compassionate behavior management strategies. The anticipated outcomes of the program include:
• Increased knowledge about child development.
• Increased sense of competence in parenting.
• Decreased reported stress levels.
• Beliefs in line with compassionate behavior management strategies rather than using corporal punishment.
- Teen Parenting Case Study