Use this as the main reference:onghofer, W., & Winchester, D. (2016). Social theory re-wired: New connections to classical and contemporary perspectives (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Routledge: New York. Retrieved from
In Section Three of Social Theory Re-Wired – “Pathway to Meltdown: Theorizing the Dark Side of Modernity” – read the excerpts from “the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”. Present your views of the reading and answer the following prompts;.
What do you think the reading tells us about society in general, and its “dark side” in particular?
What two to three points made by the social theorist did you find most interesting?
In your own experience of living in society, can you relate to the points made by the theorist in your chosen reading?
How has reading the work of this theorist changed your perspective on a rationalized society full of promises and pitfalls?
How has the reading enhanced your future experience of a rational society and your study of Sociology?