Chat with us, powered by LiveChat This assignment will continue to build on the scenario that was set up in the Module Two HR Inbox assignment, this time providing the opportunity to practice communicating wit - Writeden


This assignment will continue to build on the scenario that was set up in the Module Two HR Inbox assignment, this time providing the opportunity to practice communicating with both employees and managers.

Human resource professionals receive an extensive number of email communications from employees and their managers. To better manage workloads and provide prompt responses, some companies use a shared HR inbox. The shared HR inbox consolidates email communications into a single, shared mailbox. This allows several HR professionals to monitor employee and manager communications and inquiries to provide prompt responses. HR inboxes are usually easy to identify because they use email addresses such as [email protected], [email protected], and so forth.

For this assignment, reassume your role as an HR professional at a U.S. company. You have been assigned to manage the shared HR inbox and respond to emails. While monitoring the inbox, you receive the following emails from department managers:

  • Dear HR: An employee in my department just returned from FMLA with a note indicating he cannot come back to full duty. Can I fire him?
  • Dear HR: The HR department just sent out a memo to employees about a policy change to holidays. I understand we provided more time off, but the team is totally confused about floating holidays vs. company-mandated holidays. What can you do to clarify your memo?

In addition, you receive the following email from an employee:

  • Dear HR: My supervisor is requiring me to take sexual harassment training again, which I took last year. Why do I have to take the training again?


To complete this assignment, write a response to each of the three emails above as an HR professional. You must address the employees’ questions by referencing applicable state and federal FLSA and FMLA laws. Your overall writing style must have a tone and format appropriate for email communication in a business environment.

Specifically, your responses must address the following rubric criteria:

  • FMLA Return: Develop questions to gain the information needed to respond to the manager’s question.
  • Policy Change Memo: Explain the difference between a floating holiday and a company-mandated holiday.
  • Training Requirements: Explain the importance of regular mandatory training on sexual harassment. Identify risks to the organization if employees do not complete regular compliance training.

Additionally, be sure that overall, your general writing style aligns with the following:

  • Tone: Discuss human resource roles and responsibilities using an engaging tone and encouraging questions.
  • Format: Communicate in a clear and concise writing style, offering information in high-level, small pieces.

What to Submit

Your assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, 1 to 2 pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.