Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Throughout our lives, we learn to communicate in different ways depending on the situation and/or context. In the book, Naming What We Know, the researcher Kevin Roozen explains, “writers ar - Writeden

The ability to compare and/or contrast people, ideas, and things is a critical analytical skill that you will be able to use in other college classes and in professional settings.
When we compare subjects, we typically point out similarities. When we contrast subjects, we point out differences. Comparing and contrasting does both.
Overview of Topic:
Throughout our lives, we learn to communicate in different ways depending on the situation and/or context. In the book, Naming What We Know, the researcher Kevin Roozen explains, “writers are engaged in the work of making meaning for particular audiences and purposes, and writers are always connected to other people.”
The same idea can be connected to other forms of communication beyond writing as well. The purpose of this portion of our class is to help you deepen your understanding and awareness of how communication works.
Topic Options:
Choose one of the topics below. The essay needs to stay entirely focused on your own experiences. Avoid generalized discussions. Use the “I” pronoun in this essay. In other writing situations, you might need to strive for a third-person, more objective voice (He, she, they, etc.). However, because of the nature of the topic, for this essay, you should keep the writing focused on your own subjective experiences with the topic.
Compare/contrast your experiences with taking online courses vs. your experiences learning face-to-face in a traditional classroom environment.
Compare/contrast your communication style with friends and your communication style at your workplace
Compare/contrast your own communication style when communicating with friends vs when you communicate with older family members (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.).
Compare/contrast the communication styles of two managers you have worked for
Compare/contrast a positive communication you have been a part of and/or witnessed and a negative communication you have been a part of and/or witnessed
Compare/contrast one positive experience you have had with a company/brand and one negative experience you have had with a different company/brand.
After you choose one of the topics, begin generating ideas. Think about things like audience, purpose/reason for the communication, style, and tone. Reflect on how some or all of these elements might play a role in your essay about communication.
This essay should be based on your own observations. It does not require you to use research.
Use clear, concrete examples and details throughout your essay to illustrate your points and help the reader fully understand what you are trying to communicate. and