Chat with us, powered by LiveChat We have examined the distinction between subordinate and dominant qualities that isdiscussed in the Complexity of Identity. In your essay, you will critically examine afamous person – artist - Writeden

This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. It is due Wednesday, March 8, 2023 atmidnight. You submit the essay on our blackboard.The essay should be 2.5 typed, double-spaced pages. Use a 1″ margin on all four sides and a 12-point font. Please do not write beyond four pages.The writing style should be clear and concise. The characteristics of such a style includegrammatical correctness, appropriate vocabulary, clear sentences, and logical organization. Theassignment will be evaluated according to the following criteria: the coherence andthoughtfulness of your arguments, originality, your engagement with the course text and courseideas, and clarity of expression.Please note that all essays will be check with plagiarism software, so please be sure to cite allmaterial used. If you are unclear please connect with me before you submit your essay.A late penalty of 5% per weekday will be applied to the value of the assignment for the firsteight weekdays, after which the maximum grade attainable on the assignment will be 60%.Please see the attachment about plagiarism.Topics (CHOOSE 1):1. We have examined the distinction between subordinate and dominant qualities that isdiscussed in the Complexity of Identity. In your essay, you will critically examine afamous person – artist, politician, athlete – who embodies both dominant and subordinatefeatures. How did they use their dominant identity in the service of making a betterworld? How did they use their subordinate identity? To answer this question, you willneed to use a person with a rich enough life story to fully examine the nature of theiridentity.2. Evolution connects us to other primates in that we all share a common ancestor. Religion,on the other hand, claims that humans are a special species. Do you think that religionand evolution say different things about the status and importance of humans?3. Propose your own topic, but be sure to message me about it first.