Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What cultural sources, traditions, artistic disciplines or techniques do these three performance artists draw from to create their work? Do they work indoors or outdoors? In what kind of spa - Writeden

Reading Link including Regina José Galindo and The Yes Men: token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAtIwggLOBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggK_MIICuwIBADCCArQGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMhgcEsKD33N_xc6nDAgEQgIIChcxEbhI1ZjFMyaqzTy0I-j42-Msi6R0lcaT9gDGDpcEgWizSbIxb-riFf7QaQFiDb3d4UhBIiTYfgpm_t84rXmDL3SuaMq_qRuTJHA1jTBGpyvXwBnpUwYomXSqb6RYy66X6QpBe3xTG86v0JIwZDz0lhmPjlmyWGN4-VrKcf6cNldrpkL0jb246wr525S6UdO28UtJU9CpekvEEn2KPULnYLmY6qPulLlF17pPU1BE7HYc0bCMX4Y3usagQ9NQfGVWc1AOTkXtS73IJMNxvMZsZptIdoUpsLPf4qyHdQpjQDy0TS4zsLBnBQZZp8GgMAoEi2op1cjUVaR2_yavhyos0qVDlDnaG1SjIlyKRPFnsf32QOcilKDyTpb-VF5bS2CNftrGCHvmnpxuce4V14OyGi6BpaOydErpMjBRncxsuARPN8HgsPp6JgiTKTAQ-KrrC6HLfECOzOc4pjOUUDux5dtxlL9Ii3J_DC6U8jFBP-klwapwqmdHWstRJG84YILoXBJIFJgNtgxpOKtdeGurINdEAHFwdN99QfXliwr_k9pkvW6ijFPp_54mljNQzcUiXlyZYty1kAx_dyUeZS6rIwS8yNF61SPgEejAD7fMZunrwmA89jI3K1r85ubu9YIkSmCzNbPH4V2S66lSV74Qbt25dJxHLqbim1AowE7enRz0_QtwF_LxrTa2de4K9Bo1IRPUIvjbtGzGWgFjrXwxA3PvlaQ1JtWB9ikFxnVwNfyrd1Qzl5dWB1tG22nZVtJuRaoZLR4TgsXSSkgh4gKfHHHicVELrHe6l2VsqTpYTc6pk5fXMUbkNZFFqgcVMqW9ifb9jHKdD0PiWltgSILfv9GMUTg
Sacred Clown (with Skeena Reece) video link:
About Skeena Reece:
Please compare the work of Regina José Galindo, The Yes Men and Skeena Reece from the course material. Please identify similarities and differences between the work of these 2 or 3 artists by providing specific examples. Please make connections with Diana Taylor’s discussion of performance art in her book Performance by referring specifically to her writing. As in the previous section, you may ask questions such as:
What cultural sources, traditions, artistic disciplines or techniques do these three performance artists draw from to create their work? Do they work indoors or outdoors? In what kind of space/landscape? How do they use their body? What kind of movement or actions do they perform? Are their performances fast, intense, high energy or are they slow, peaceful, meditative, or do they combine different rhythms and energies? Do they use specific objects, clothing, make-up, lighting/sound/music? Do they use technology? Does their work address social and/or political issues? Does their work have humorous and/or spiritual dimensions? What kind of relationship with the audience or impact on the viewer is their work meant to create? Who do you think is their intended audience? What was your experience of their work as a viewer? In conclusion, reflect on what you have learned about performance art from comparing the work of these three artists.
Please be specific by providing relevant examples drawn from the course material, including the book Performance by Diana Taylor. References to sources not included in the course material will not count.