research article/study from a Nursing Journal. The study must pertain to the topic of Human Development.
1. What is the title of the study/article and what is the title of the journal where the study/article can be found?
2. In one or two sentences, what is the purpose of the research.
3. Method
a. How many people are studied in the article?
b. Where did the authors get the people for the study?
c. Lists the test/instruments they gave/administered to the study participants
4. what were the results of the study?
5. why does this study matter? How and who does it benefit?
6. In the literature review section of the paper there will be citations from previous research. These citations are important because they
give credit to previous work. Please list 1 citation.
7. Lastly, please cite your article source information. (Authors (year). Article title. Journal title. Volume (issue). pages.